Chapter 2

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More and more each day, Luce and I drifted apart. I tried to talk to her everyday; but it wasn't enough. She ignored me, glared at me, and acted like we've never met before. I don't even know what I did wrong, and I'm still apologizing. I just want my best friend back.

Soon enough, school was out and I was heading to football camp. I met a bunch of my new and old friends at camp. We were all training to be in the Horizon football team. This was my first year doing a sport. I was nervous in the beginning, until I saw all my friends. We all became closer like brothers in under a month, and we planned to hang out after camp was over.

While I was at camp, my Uncle Den passed away. My mom called me in the middle of tire runs, crying. I couldn't believe it. Den and I were so close. I was closer to Uncle Den more than anyone else in the family, but we all equally loved him.

His wise words inspired everything I did. The way I talked, the way I dressed, the way I thought. After his death, everything around my room reminded me of him. His old posters that he gave to me from 1972, the records he passed onto me, the pictures we had with Uncle Den scattered around our house.

I had an angry homecoming. I tore all of the posters down, and none were ripped. I was angry, but I wasn't stupid enough to do something I would regret. I took everything that reminded me of him, and stuffed it in the back of my closet.

At the funeral, Luce was there. I stood emotionless, staring at Uncle Dens picture. My mind felt so numb. I was taking this so hard because Uncle Den was someone I could talk to about anything with, besides Luce. People tried approaching me, but all I could do was nod and say thank you.

I saw Luce at the corner of my eye. She was staring at me with concern. Her hand was reaching for my shoulder, but she recoiled. Shaking her head, she walked away.

I swear that day, I was done. The day I needed Luce the most, she abandoned me. Does she even know what it's like to lose the two people that understood you the most?

I went to the gym every morning to work out my frustration. Sawyer came along almost everyday, but on weekends, he spent the morning trying to heal his hangover.

One morning when we were jogging around the track, Sawyer invited me to party. He didn't even have to mention who's party it was, I accepted anyways.

That night, I made sure I looked like I didn't try too hard, but still looked good. Looking in the mirror, I could now see my green eyes. I finally had contacts. My blonde hair was now shorter around my chin. Connie told me I looked like a weird surfer boy that didn't surf. I told her to give it a trim and she ended up cutting two inches off. I was wearing khaki shorts and a graphic tee.

Grabbing my keys, I headed out the door. "Matty," my mom shouted at me from the doorway.

I turned around and looked at her. "Yeah Mom?"

"I have something I want to talk to you about after this little gathering with your friends," she said. "Drive safe. Be careful. Oh and have fun! I love you Matthew, bye!" She grinned and waved.

"Okay Mom I will. Love you too," I chuckled.

I drove over to Sawyer's place because we were carpooling with some guys from the team. "Hey man. So where is this going to be at? And who's going to be there?" I inquired.

"Chicks. A lot of chicks. College chicks," Sawyer grasped my shoulder as his brown eyes gleamed with excitement.

We arrived at 1am and the party was raging with drunk teenagers. The college freshmen were in the backyard at the bonfire. Guys from the team were playing football in the front yard with a couple of girls. Some were guys shirtless.

More Than I ShouldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora