Chapter 5

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IM SO ANGRY. Wattpad keeps deleting the last half in my chapters so I have to keep going back and writing them but they're never the same as the first draft. :(  Sorry guys, I really don’t know anything about cancer, dying and hospital business so comment if you can give a couple of suggestions… I tried looking it up and it wasn’t working out D:




Peyton and Sawyer exchange sympathetic glances at me. I know that they think that I'm lying but they don't push it any further. "Okay guys, what's up now. You two have been acting super supicious all morning! Spit it out." 

"Honestly, Lucy, I think you should drop the part of your plan where Matt's not in your life forever. It's obvious that you both can't live without each other and it's killing you guys but you just won't admit it!" Sawyer points out.

"I know you're right but it's the best for Matt. It may not seem like it, but he could finally get a break away from being attached to me all the time. His life is going to start getting better again once school starts, and soon when you say my name around him, he's going to respond, 'Who's Lucy?' and I'm fine with that." I lied. I'm not fine with it.


"-shit, I know Sawyer, you don't need to tell me. Please, just let me handle this stuff on my own. Please." I pleaded hoping that Sawyer wouldn't try to ask my anything else. Sawyer seemed to get the message so I watched him get off my bed and walk out my room quietly. We heard his footsteps stomp on the stairs and knew he was going to head to Matt's, probably to tell him everything I just said.

I looked at Peyton and saw that she was staring at me, her eyes full of worry. "Lucy, I really hope that  you have this pulled together and can make this work. I really want you to be happy because you're a really good and nice girl. I would just hate to see that go to waste. I'm going to get a ride home  from Sawyer now. Just get some rest for now okay?"

I nodded and we exchanged numbers, "text me if you need anything, okay?" I said.

"Okay same as you." I gave her a hug and I walked her downstairs to my front door. "Have a good time with Sawyer" I winked and waved at her as she walked down our driveway. Of course our driveway was empty. Another day without Daddy...



Everyone was doing their own thing until I walked into the front door, and my parents came to the rescue.

“Matty boy, are you hurt?”

“Oh no you might have infections on all these cuts! Why didn’t you just come home last night?”

“Lord please save me from this bizarre family.”

I chuckled from Connie’s jealousy, but winced when my Mom reached up to touch my face. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” she said as she ushered me to the nearest bathroom. “Connie! Clean your brother up while I finish preparing lunch.”

“What the freak, why can’t the baby just clean himself up,” Connie mumbled with her shoulders slumped. She set her phone down on the sink counter and knelt down to the sink cabinet to get out the first aid kit. Wetting some q-tips, she began dabbing the dirt and blood off my face. “What happened that got you so fucked up in the face, Matty?” she asked bluntly.

“Wow what’s up with your language? Middle school finally got to you?” I snorted.

“Shut up, you started swearing in elementary school. Did you get in a fight?”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2014 ⏰

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