One Direction Preferences

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What he loves most about you...

Niall: He loves your smile, your laugh and the way your eyes light up everytime you laugh. He hates to see you upset and will do everything in his power to make you smile again because he loves it that much and can’t get over how beautiful you really are. He’s constantly cracking jokes around you, just so you’ll throw your head back with laughter, with a catchy laugh that makes everyone else want to laugh along.

Harry: He loves your hair, and when you’re upset or in a mood with anything, he’ll pull you into his embrace and run his fingers through your hair. He loves that it’s so glossy and smooth and so perfect, even when it’s up in a messy bun. He actually loves the mango shampoo you use aswell. When he misses you away on tour he’ll use your shampoo on his hair, so everytime he flicks his curls he’s comforted by the smell of mangos that remind him so much about his lovely girlfriend.

Louis: He loves your sense of humour and the way you can make anything into a joke. You two both have similar senses of humour which is why you get on really well with each other, and find the same things funny. When he’s having a bad day he loves that you send him pictures with funny captions, because they always cheer him up.

Liam: He loves your gentle and caring nature. The fact that you’ll go out of your way to help someone, even if they won’t give anything in return. You’re such a sweet person, and Liam feels like he can relate to you in so many ways because of this.

Zayn: He loves your hugs, whenever he’s had a bad day he just wants to hug you, because then he forgets all about it. He loves the way you wrap your arms tightly and protectively around his waist and squeeze him tightly. The way you nuzzle your face into his shirt is enough to make him go crazy!

(A/N) These are the ones I find on tumblr. when I love them I post them. if you want to request, comment below

-Riley xoxo 

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