Stealing Kisses

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Stealing Kisses

Harry: The alarm went off, making you groan and roll over, hitting it roughly. "Well don't murder it." Harry chuckled in his deep morning voice, turning in the sheets to face you. "One day, one day..." You muttered, snuggling back into his warm chest. His hand stroked your hair down your back, making you shiver slightly. You looked up to say something, but his lips stopped you, gently molding against yours, neither of you caring about morning breath. You used your elbow to prop yourself up and get closer. "I love waking up to this." Harry breathed against your face once he'd pulled back. "Mmhm." You agreed quickly, going back in for another.

Louis: "And live while we're young!" You sang, er shouted, jumping onto the edge of the large circular fountain in the middle of the park, Louis' hand still enveloping yours. He laughed softly at you, helping you keep your balance as you danced and sang around the fountain. "We're gonna wanna stay up all night!" You were singing, before jumping off the edge into Louis' awaiting arms. Luckily, he caught you, spinning around as you giggled. You both stopped, each slightly out of breath, Louis still holding you. A smile reflected on each of your faces as you searched his eyes, before leaning in. His hold tightened around you, his lips eager against yours. Suddenly, though, you broke away, jumping onto the ground and running, still singing. "Hey! Get back here!" Louis laughed, chasing after you.

Liam: It was Liam's day off, but you still had work, unfortunately. You managed to get off a little early though, early enough for you and Liam to make a nice dinner. Well, he was making a nice dinner. You had changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt and stationed yourself crosslegged on the counter. You were quite enjoying the sight; Liam was dressed in only a pair of pajama pants, bare chested, cooking some sort of pasta, humming slightly. It was something you could get used to. "Alright," Liam said, using a spoon to take some of the finished product out of the pot and putting his hand underneath so none fell. "Open wide." You did as he said, making an exaggerated "Ahhh!" sound as he slipped the spoon into your mouth. "That's really good." You admitted, swallowing. "We did a good job." Liam rolled his eyes. "Oh yes, of course WE did." You giggled. "Yep, want a taste?" You leaned in, smiling into the kiss.

Niall: "And then they just made us start all over again!" Niall ranted, sitting in a huff next to you on the couch. "Mmhm," You hummed, cuddling into his side and fiddling absent mindedly with the hem of his shirt. To be honest, you got lost half way through the story, adding halfhearted grunts and humming at appropriate times, feeling his just needed a good rant. "So of course I go in there, but no matter how many times I tried, it was just never good enough!" He continued. You nodded, stifling a yawn. "So I tried again and again and finally-Mmph!" You crashed your lips against his, silencing him. "What was that for?" He breathed, pulling back. "I got bored, and figured it was more polite than telling you to shut up." You replied, giving a small smile. He grinned in return, pushing you gently onto your back. "I like that way, maybe I should rant more often." He smiled. "Maybe." You giggled as his lips returned to yours.

Zayn: You were woken from you light sleep by the best sinking slightly behind you. You rolled over, blinking sleep from your eyes. "No, no. I'm sorry, didn't mean to wake you." Zayn's soft voice said as he laid down next to you. "S'okay." You mumbled, scooting closer to him and hiding your face in the warmth of his chest. "Couldn't sleep very well without you anyway." You felt his chest rumble slightly as he chuckled. "I missed you today." He whispered, rubbing your arm. You murmured something in agreement, pulling back and looking up at his tired face. He smiled, brushing your hair back. Without warning, he leaned in gently, pushing his lips against yours. You melted into his touch, shivering at the warmth, happy he was home.


Tumblr is amazing :)

-Riley xoxo

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