Late Night Conversations

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Harry: The two of you usually stay up all night a day before he leaves for tour. He’d talk to you about the places he and the band are going to, saying it would be great, but it would’ve been better if you were with him. You’d tell him that it’s alright, because when he comes back, the two of you can travel the world. He’d smile at you and start telling you where you should go and why, and you’d just listen to him excitedly talk about where the two of you would go to, but all of that doesn’t matter. Because as long as you’re with him, you’re good.

Liam: When you’re both too tired but too alive fall asleep, you talk about your dreams. You’d tell him what you wanted to be when you were young, and what you want to achieve in life before you die. He’d listen to you share your hopes and dreams, and when you’re done, he’d ask you if he was a part of your hopes and dreams for the future and you’d jokingly answer, “It wouldn’t be my dream if you weren’t there.” But you’ll see his smile grow bigger anyway as he says, “Me, too.”

Louis: Before the day ends, the two of you would lie in bed together and just talk. He’d be the one to do most of the talking, but you don’t mind. You know he needs this. He’d talk about all his fears and vulnerabilities, and you’ll always think that just because he was Louis Tomlinson doesn’t mean he above human emotions. He’d always thank you for loving him despite his imperfections and you’d always say that those imperfections are what made you fall for him more.

Niall: On days where the both of you simply can’t sleep, you reminisce. The room is full of laughter as you talk about embarrassing things that happened in your childhood or just a funny interview you saw a week ago. Because sometimes a good laugh is what you need when you’ve had a long and tiresome day. You’d talk until you’re too tired to do it, but it’s one of the nights you both look forward to.

Zayn: He’d talk to you about his day. He’d talk about the little things most people don’t notice, and he’d contemplate on how important those little things are. And the way he tells you how his day went makes you feel like you were there with him. You’ve always admired him for his words and thoughts, and you’ll always tell him that. He’d smile at you then ask you how your day went, and you’d happily share it with him. The late night conversations make the two of you closer than before. It gives you the chance to know each other more and you do it everyday, even when he’s away.



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