You Are Upset

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You Are Upset

Harry: "Babe, please? You know I didn't mean it!" Harry whined for the umpteenth time. You just scoffed and made your way into the kitchen. As you guessed, he followed you in. "Seriously. When will you talk to me again? I miss your voice." He said grabbing your wrists and forcing you to look at him. "Fine. But one more time, and I'm going to be really pissed." You say sighing. A smile spread quickly across his face. He pulled you closer to him and gave you a long kiss. "Thank you for forgiving me. I love you, Y/N."

Liam: Bam! Your eyes widened. You rushed into the living room where the noise came from. Before your eyes stood Liam and your 2 year old son. In Liams hand was the controller for the helicopter toy you just bought your son. Liam's face was pale and your eyes widen when you see why. On the ground was a picture frame of from your parents wedding, with the glass broken and shattered on the ground. "Babe, I am so sorry.... I will buy you a new one?" Liam asks on edge. You shake your head and walk back into the kitchen. That picture was so important to you.

Louis: "Babe, I am not going to make it home in time." Louis tired voice says over the phone, referring to a family reunion you didn't want to go to. You frown slightly. "The flight is cancelled. I wont be home for another day. I am really sorry, I know you didn't want to go alone." Lou says. You sigh, "It's fine really. But I do miss you." You say back. "I got to go now, I will call you back as soon as i can. I love and miss you!" He says. "Love you to." You say hanging up. Even if you didn't want to go, it might take your mind off Louis not being here.

Niall: "I won!" Niall says throwing his remote in the air. "Told ya, I told ya!" He boasts. "You obviously cheated! I am way more better at this game than you!" You pout. Niall has one for the 3rd time in a row. He laughs, "You wish. I am just pure awesomeness!" He says. You grunt playfully and drop the remote. "I was still better." You insist before walking into the kitchen for some food.

Zayn: 14 messages. All wishing me a happy birthday. From the friends, family and the boys. But none from Zayn. It was already 2 pm. You called him a few times, but got no answer. You decide to call Liam. "Hey Y/N! How's your birthday?" Liam says cheerfully into the phone. "Normal... I guess. Not a word from Zayn. I wanted to hang with him today, since my family is gone. I think he forgot, Liam." You respond sadly. He grunts angrily through the phone. He says he has to go and then calls you back minutes later. Zayn forgot. You invite Liam over to spend the rest of the day watching movies with, and ignored Zayns attempts to contact you.


(A/N) another one off tumblr.

-Riley xoxo

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