He Distracts You

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He Distracts You

Louis: *poke* *poke* *poke* that's all you could fell on your cheek, you were reading a book and Louis wanted your attention but you were so into the book you didn't want to put it down just to see what he wanted "(Y/N)!" He whinnied, still poking your cheek. But you continued reading, "Lou, I'm kinda reading right now, whatever you want can wait until I'm done okay?" you said without looking up he groaned "no it can't wait, I wanna cuddle but all you're doing is reading!" his poking suddenly stopped and you felt him get off the couch. Finally, he left me alone you thought, that is until the book was pulled out of your hand and thrown across the room "Louis!" you yelled, getting up to go get your book, but Louis had a different idea, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down on his lap, " no more reading, just cuddles." He said, nuzzling his nose into your neck. "But-" "no buts. Just cuddle with me" you sigh, giving up cause there's no use arguing with him and spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies.

Niall: you were studying for a big test that you had tomorrow and Niall kept bugging you all day to go out "Please (Y/N), you've been studying for hours!" he said, pulling on your arm, you yanked it away, "for the last time Niall, I have to study, I can't fail!" you snapped, looking up at him, his blue eyes filled with sadness and he got up and walked out of the living room, you instantly felt guilty so you got up and ran after him "Niall I'm sorry, it's just you know how important this is to me, and I was getting a little tired of you bugging me." He turned and wrapped his arms around you, "its okay love, I shouldn't have been trying to distract you, forgive me?" you smiled "its fine, how about you come help me for a little while and then we'll go get some food?" he nodded and you both walked back into the living room to study some more

Harry: you were working on a big essay for school and Harry was a bit.. Horny. You were typing up your essay when he walked into and sat down next to you "babe, take a break please?" he asked, giving you a little pout, "Harry I have to get this done, I can't take a break" you said, looking up at him really quick giving him a 'I'm sorry' look and then went back to your essay. You were suddenly pulled onto Harry's lap and his lips attached themselves to your neck and collarbone, "come on babe, just one little break? I promise you won't regret it." He seductively in your ear, he almost had you until you snapped out of it and shook your head. "no Harry" but he won't budge. He started nipping and sucking on your neck, leaving little love bites, you felt him slowly moving towards your sweet spot and that's when you lost it. You closed your laptop, threw it on the ground and rolled over on top of him. "one break and that's it."

Liam: you had to come up with a huge presentation for work and you had been working all day, sorta neglecting your boyfriend, Liam. "(Y/N)! come watch a movie with me!" he said from the living room "sorry Li, I have to finish this presentation! I'll watch one with you tomorrow" you replied and went back to your presentation, you heard Liam sigh and come into the kitchen " you've been working on this all day, you need a break sweetie, so what better way to spend that break then to come watch a movie with your wonderful boyfriend!" he said tugging on your hand, "Li, you know that this is a huge presentation, if I don't get this done my boss will have my head!" you said running your free hand through your hair, "babe, I don't know why you don't just quit that job, your boss is terrible and you always come home so tired, please, just quit that job, I'll support you until you can find a new one" he said rubbing your shoulders, you sighed and thought about it for a moment, your boss really was terrible and you knew Liam missed spending time with you cause you were always too tired to do anything when you came home "okay fine, I'll call and say I quit in the morning" Liam cheered "now, how about that movie?" he asked with a smile, you smiled back and let him lead you into the living room to watch the movie.

Zayn: "(Y/N)! we should go out tonight!" Zayn said walking into the bedroom, you were sitting on the bed with books spread out all over it. "Zayn, I can't I have to study for the exams next week. Maybe after exams we can go out" you said not even looking up from your books, he groaned, "(Y/N) you've been studying for the past 3 days, and I haven't spent time with you in forever, you need to take a break from all this studying and go do something fun for one night" "Zayn you don't understand, I have to pass in order to pass the class, so I have to study!" "baby, you're a smart girl, I know you'll pass, please take one little break? For me? I don't like seeing you stressed out so much" he said sitting down and rubbing your back, but of course you were being too stubborn to give up so you ignore him, suddenly you were lifted up bridal style "Zayn put me down!" he shook his head "we're going out, I don't care whether you want to or not so I suggest you get ready so we can go" he sat you down in your closest and left, you sighed knowing that if you want back to studying, he would just repeat what he just did before, so you got ready and you both went out for dinner, turns out it was just what you need.


(A/N) Loved this one. <3

-Riley xoxo

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