Gattinas and Clubs and Junkies OH MY

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I had convinced Lucas not to turn anyone's name into the police for now. That wasn't really my biggest problem right now though, I was more focused on dinner. More specifically, the weird looks I was getting from everyone.

I've been here for a week and no one has treated me ideally. This wasn't home anymore. It was a prison.

Th only open spot was next to Lorenzo, and hesitantly very hesitantly, I sat down. Sienna gave me a disgusted look in the process. "Hey dad," she spoke up, "Lorenzo and I wanted to take Chloe out for dessert after this as a little welcome home present."

What? Her motives weren't well supported and I felt as though if my dad let me go, I was probably going to die tonight. How funny is it that I could survive a whole month surrounded by the mafia, but as soon as I get home my sister is the one that actually kills me?

Well I wasn't laughing.

"That'd be great," Violet said before my dad even had a chance to process what Sienna said. Violet was a legit idiot. I used to have so much respect for her, but as the days passed I watched it all dwindle into nothing. The fact that my dad was still with her almost angered me at this point.

"I don't know," dad said, sounding super conflicted. "I guess it's up to Chloe."

"It's settled then," Sienna cheered, "Chloe hurry up and finish eating."

I looked down at the plate that had already been made for me, food didn't even sound that good at the moment.

I should probably eat it though, considering its going to be my last meal.


I listened as Sienna and Lorenzo made extremely small chit chat. Lorenzo was driving and he said he couldn't focus on the road and talk to her at the same time without getting distracted. I guess that was responsible of him. Ha, he was just like his brother now.

Way to go Lorenzo.

I had asked a few times where we were going because getting dessert didn't sound like something Sienna would want to do. She's always been a little...I don't know, ok the anorexic side. She only ever ate what she needed to survive and that was pretty much it.

Does it surprise you that I never got an answer from them though?

Yeah, me neither.

Sienna and Lorenzo started talking again, this time it had something to do with drugs. Again, I wasn't surprised. The outcome of drugs loomed over both of their faces, making them look slightly older than they really were.

Did my dad know about Sienna's problem? I bet Bradley did. It was really hard to get anything passed that kid.

Some LA club came into view and I prayed that that wasn't where we were going. But sadly not all prayers are answered and soon the car was parked right outside. Sienna turned on her hip to face me in the backseat, "We're going to have a lot of fun," she said, a sinister smile on her fragile face.

"How are we even going to get in? None of us are old enough. Sienna you're an idiot!" I snapped.

She looked at me as if she were about to rip my head off, "Lorenzo's brother is in the mafia. We can get into whatever we want and no one's allowed to say shit about it."

"He's so done with bailing you out of your problems," I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back in my seat, my eyes burning into the back of Lorenzo's skull. "Living around the mafia has taught me that much at least. No one wants to help two low life, drug addict pricks out of the problems they got themselves into because they're dumber than shit." My own upfront comment shocked even me. Forget Sienna, who was I turning into?

Mesmerizing Mr. MafiaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt