37: Humiliation

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I stared at the door, my heat beating like crazy. I can’t believe that just happened. The words bounced around my head a million times. Out of all the times Logan had to walk in why did it have to be then?

Out of all the things I couldv’e been caught doing why did it have to be that?

“Kara,” Maver said, a little louder this time. I’d heard him the first three times but couldn’t seem to find the will to respond.

Slowly, after he’d repeated my name twice more, I blinked my eyes. The sight of my hands clutching the blanket tightly to my chest slowly came into view and I released it before looking to him. “Yeah?”

His eyes held mine as he gave a calming smile, his hand squeezing my thigh. “Don’t worry, he didn’t see anything,” he reassured me. “The blanket was over you the whole time.”

“He didn’t need to,” I groaned, lying back down. “It was pretty obvious what we were doing.”

Maver stared down at me with a sly smile. “What, can’t a best friend lend a helping hand?”

I rolled my eyes at his pun before letting out a deep breath. “This is so. . . “ I trailed off, closing my eyes as I tried to find a fitting word. Embarrassing didn’t even begin to cover it.

“Much more fun than first expected?” he asked, his hand creeping back up to me.

My eyes shot open and I let out a surprised squeak as he touched me yet again. “Maver ClintinLasman what do you think you’re doing?” I asked, using his full name to get his undivided attention. He’d always hated when I did that, so I rarely called him that. Rather, I saved it for special times such as this. It improved the impact.

Maver’s forehead wrinkled as he frowned down towards me. “You sound like my mother when you say that.”

I shrugged, my hand grasping his wrist to stop him from rubbing on me. It was hard to keep a straight face when it felt so surprisingly good. “Answer the question and I won’t say it again.”

“Well,” he breathed, laying back down beside me. He rolled onto his side, propping his head up with his hand that wasn’t currently in my danger zone, before talking again. “I can’t just start and not finish. I’m one who see’s things through. You should know that by now Kara.”

Once more I rolled my eyes. “You mean like with your car?” I asked, teasing him with a sarcastic gaze. “That glove box has been impossible to open for how long now?”

His eyes twinkled; a small smirk comparable to his older brother’s playing across his lips. “You’re not anywhere close to a car.”

Under the blankets his fingers started to rub on me again and I tightened mhy grip on his wrist forcing him to stop. “Maver,” I scolded him, giving him a pointed glare.

The boy just smirked again before easily pulling his wrist from my grasp. “Just let me finish,” he insisted his voice soft and low. I opened my mouth to object but he shook his head to cut me off. “No, enjoy it and stop complaining.”

For Hating Me You Sure Are PossessiveΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα