14: Your Type

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I scowled as I finally got to my feet and shoved my way out of the crowded room. I couldn’t believe them! One mention of a party from Logan and next thing you know I’m surrounded by loudmouthed people drinking.

“Where are you going?” Maver asked and I frowned as I looked down to see the bottle of beer in his hand not grabbing my ankle.

“I’m going to bed.” I grumbled yanking my foot free from him. Maybe getting his own place with Logan wasn’t such a great idea.

He laughed and shook his head. “No it’s like midnight!”

“And we have school tomorrow. And I have practice. I need sleep.”

I sighed and left the room shoving past a few people until I finally reached the hallway. “Where are you going?” I turned around to see Logan leaning against the wall at the end of the hallway watching me.

“To bed.”

“I can help you with that.” He gave me a smirk as he came closer. I ducked out of his reach and looked down the hall at Maver’s room. Logan was between me and the door.

“Oh ha ha.” I said sarcastically as I moved to walk past him.

Logan stopped me, pressing my front up against the wall. “Little miss priss is a liar.” He whispered roughly in my ear as he pressed his front into my back, our bodies molding perfectly together.

My heart thudded in my chest at the sensation of him so firm against me. “Liar?”

He set his chin on my shoulder, his arms wrapping around my waist, pinning my arms to my sides. “I think I am your type.” He said softly into my ear.

I shook my head. Yes! Yes you are! I ignored my stupid screaming hormones. “No, no you aren’t.”

Logan chuckled and I could feel his abs ripple on my back as he did. “Wanna bet baby?” he whispered seductively as he took my earlobe between his lips and gently began to nibble.

“Logan just get off me.”

“Oh I’d much rather get on you.” He snickered, his hand snaking up my body to squeeze my breast through my shirt.

This surprised me and I tried to push myself off the wall. I failed. “Come on Logan cut it out.” I gasped as he pushed against me harder, pinning me flat up against the wall.

I squirmed trying to get free as his left arm pinned my arms to my sides and his right hand began to work it’s way under my shirt. “Oh Kara Kara Kara.” He said with a tsk tsk as if scolding a small child. “You are so naïve.”

“And you’re a pervert.” I hissed back, my cheeks reddening as his thumb slipped under the edge of my bra.

Logan chuckled. “That I am.” He whispered in my ear, sliding the rest of his hand under, his cool skin meeting my breast.

I hissed at him as he began to tease my nipple. “Get offa me!”

He didn’t have a sarcastic reply. He didn’t have anything to say. . . but Maver did. “What the fuck man?” he yelled and I looked up to him as he stumbled into the hallway.

In an instant Logan pulled away and was leaning against the wall across from me. “What’s up?” he asked casually.

“What was that?” Maver asked and I could hear the anger in his voice. He was always so protective of me.

I didn’t know what to say. So I didn’t say anything.

“Nothing bro. Just messing around.” Logan said with a little shrug.

“Well don’t!” he practically screamed, coming forward and grabbing onto  my arm.

Without another word Maver dragged me into his room, closing and locking the door behind him. I sighed and went to his drawer, pulling out a beater and some boxers. Behind me Maver mumbled some drunken things and I ignored him. I turned my back to him and changed into them.

“He fucks everything up.” Maver slurred as he hugged me tightly the moment I finished pulling on the clothes. “I don’t want him fucking you up.”

I smiled at him as I hugged him back for a moment. “He’s not going to do anything Maver. It’s fine.”

I pulled him from me and led him on the bed. He clung to me for support as he stumbled. “He is a bad guy.” He grumbled as I took off his shirt for him.

“Yeah I know I know.” I comforted him as he rambled on drunkly. Maver was always irritable when drunk.

I sat him on the bed and untied his shoes, tossing them aside then taking off his socks. “What am I gunna do with you Maver? Living here for barely two weeks and you’ve been drunk more times than last year altogether.”

He groaned and laid out across the bed. “Paul and Jim are coming in in a bit.” Was all I could make out as I pulled off his jeans for him.

“You really need to stop this whole drinking thing.” I scolded him as I pushed him so he was on the bed and pulled the sheet over him, tucking him in.

I ignored his mumbling and unlocked the door for Jim and Paul. I sighed and laid down next to Maver. Life was shit.

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