23: Saved With a Fuzzy Navel

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Preston smiled down at me as I sipped on the fruity drink he’d made me. So far he’d kept true to his word and hadn’t let either of us get drunk. In fact, we barely had a buzz going. It was hard to even think about drinking with all the people coming up the counter we sat behind preparing drink after drink. More often than not it was just a simple beer or a whiskey but after seeing people coming up for their millionth drink it began to get annoying. I wasn’t sure why I’d even let myself get dragged to this stupid thing in the first place.

“She’s two now,” Preston informed me as we picked back up the conversation about his daughter. “Lives with her mom but I get to have her on the weekends.”

I smiled. I’d never really been around kids before so I wasn’t sure if I was any good with them. But I knew I found them adorable, especially the little ones. “Maybe I could see her with you sometime?” I boldly asked with a smile. Knowing it was his daughter meant that she’d probably be the cutest baby in the world. Preston was undeniably cute. I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol making me think this or just that I didn’t notice it until he was at my side smiling and talking about himself.

“That’d be great. The people I usually surround myself with aren’t very baby friendly and it’d be nice introducing my little princess to a friend. I’m sure she’d love the attention.”

A little giggle escaped my lips as I tried to picture Logan with a baby dressed in all pink on his lap. It was a very unrealistic sight. “Aww Logan isn’t any good at playing dolls with her?”

Preston laughed and shook his head. “Nah,” he paused to dig out a beer for the guy who’d approached before turning back to me, “Logan despises kids.”


“He calls them midgets,” Preston laughed again. “He despises anyone under the age of ten. Thinks they should be locked away until they are old enough to know what tits are.”

My eyes widened and I shook my head. That did rather sound like Logan. Thank god Maver wasn’t like that. I’d beat him with a spoon if he’d ever been so obnoxious. “I think he should be locked away,” I found myself grumbling as I sipped on the fruity drink again.

He cracked a smile at me. We’d already skimmed over the topic of how much Logan seemed to detest me. From what Preston had said it wasn’t that unusual. Logan liked hating people for fun. Gave him something to do. After all what’s more fun than making people miserable right?

Well, I couldn’t honestly say that he was ruining my life. But he was annoying the hell out of me. First he sexually assaults me then he goes and insults me. It was a stupid pattern I hoped would soon come to an end. I didn’t see why he’d picked me out of everyone he could have. Surely there were other girls with more interesting reactions to his assaults than me?

As if on cue his voice drifted through the air and met my ears. Just peachy. It’d be just like him to come send my decent mood crashing down. Seeing as people were around he’d probably jump right into insults. What would it be this time? Making cracks on my age? Maybe he’d go call me a whore again? Or perhaps he’d come up with some new interesting material that would shock me?

For Hating Me You Sure Are PossessiveWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu