46: Someone Like You

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My aunt had narrowed her eyes so narrow I doubted she could see past her thick lashes as she watched me getting ready. “I didn’t agree to take you in just so you could go flouncing around willy nilly with-“

“I told you, it’s not the same boy from before,” I sighed, for the millionth time. No matter how many times I said it she still didn’t believe me. It was partially because I called Dylan ahead of time, telling him to just call when he was here and not to come to my door. But could you blame me? Who would want to meet my aunt, especially when she was still on my ass about the entire Logan incident?

Still, she didn’t let it go. “If I had known being gone this long would have such a strong effect on your dating habits-“

I groaned, slapping my hand over my eyes as I trudged out of the livingroom. She’d grounded me for a week because the entire miscommunication. Luckily for my I didn’t give a rats ass, only sitting around the house to avoid Logan and not to obey her overdue attempt at parenting. Once Friday had rolled around I’d let her know I was going out. At least I was that courteous, I could have just snuck out like any normal teenager would probably do.

Her nagging wasn’t helping any with my nerves either. All I could do was worry and wonder how this date was going to go. What if I made a fool of myself? I’d been on dates with James, sure, but those were simple. Let’s go see a movie here, or let’s double date with so and so there. But that was James. He’d always been relatively easy to please. All I had to do was listen and smile, throwing in a few remarks here and there to prove yes, I did know how to be social. In return he’d hold my hand and proudly keep me as his girlfriend.

Even if he was with a million different girls at the same time.

Just as I flipped open my phone the time changed to 7:01. He should be here any second. I didn’t take Dylan as the type to be late, but for all I knew I was terribly mistaken. I didn’t know much about him after all.

Once more I looked down at my phone only to look up once more as a knock sounded on my door. “What is it this time?” I asked, stumbling over my mess of clothes on the floor before pulling open the door. I really needed to get that mess cleaned up.

“Dylan is here,” my aunt informed me, holding open the door so I could pass through.

It didn’t dawn on me until I’d made it a few steps what she’d just said. “Wait, Dylan?”

She nodded, a smug look on her face. “Yes, contrary to what you believe some young men know how to introduce themselves.”

I rolled my eyes knowing she was talking about Logan. One time, one freaking time he shows up shirtless with a baseball bat and she just won’t let it go!

My annoyance was quickly replaced with a smile as my eyes fell on Dylan standing just inside the front door. He was dressed in a pair of well fitting jeans paired with a light blue tee shirt that made me want to do a double take. Somehow he made such a simple shirt look like a million bucks. My eyes lifted up to his blue ones and I couldn’t help but say, “I see you remembered my favorite color.”

“There was a reason for asking,” he said, pulling a box from behind his back and handing it towards me. “I asked Preston for your size.”

For Hating Me You Sure Are PossessiveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora