45: Talk the Talk

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In all the time I'd known, and loathed, Logan he'd never actually responded to my insults. Sure, he'd return fire. Sometimes even tenfold. But I'd never seen him affected by my words.

The moment he spoke the words "I hate you" his eyes had met mine. How a human beings eyes could get so entirely empty, so void of emotion, I'd never know. All I did know was that it had knocked the air from my lungs.

I'd gone too far. I'd said too much.

He'd deserved it.

My back came in contact with the dirty hallway wallpaper and I leaned against it willingly. I knew I was pissed at Logan; who wouldn't be after all he'd done? But I had opened my mouth and said too much. I was always being told I needed to stick up for myself; that I needed to fight back.

I'd forgotten that after a certain point of sticking up for yourself you can wind up the instigator. This was a prime example of that. I should have been assertive, not aggressive. Opening my mouth and firing back had only made things worse.

I pushed off the wall, stepping towards the closed door. The asshole had gone and wiped crack on my face. What kind of a lunatic does that?

I gritted my teeth, knocking on the wood of the door. I wasn't done with the psycho yet. No, I still had a thing or two on my mind that would soon be on his.

The door was yanked open, my hand left lingering in mid knock. For a moment we just stood staring at each other, eyes narrowed and preparing for something to be said. As he opened his mouth to speak I realized I couldn't let him go first.

"You know, you really do make yourself unbearable," I told him, shaking my head slowly. "Every time I start to think you may be somewhat decent you go and do something like this."

He opened his mouth, ready to cut off my sentence. I knew I couldn't let it happen so I acted boldly, my hand darting out and landing over his lips. I covered it firmly, narrowing my eyes on his darting blue ones. "Shut up and let me finish," I growled 100% serious.

To my surprise he nodded slowly, his eyes locking on mine and filled with annoyance. I could tell his patience was thi. So I cut to the chase. "It’s as much my fault as it is yours," I took a deep breath; unable to believe the words coming out of my mouth were my own. "And I need to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said more than half of what I did." I drew my hand back from his mouth lowering it to my side instead. "I don't hate you even if sometimes I can't stand you."

For a moment his eyes went blank and I half expected for him t yell at me again. His hand moved and I closed my eyes, prepared for whatever he'd wipe down my face this time. Maybe I really did deserve it.

When nothing came in contact with my face I opened my eyes to see he'd only moved to reach ip and scratch the back of his head. He looked me over once, twice, then three times before meeting my eyes. "I still hate you."

His words made me smile as he turned his back on me, storming off without another word. Even if he said he hated me a million times I knew it wasn't completely true. He did put up with me day after day after all.

I smiled at his back as he turned the corner to the hall, heading towards his room. He had a good idea for once; going to bed. It was late and I was tired.

I closed the door behind me, stepping into the apartment and glancing around. It may have been a pigsty but I was actually comfortable there. It was more of a home than my home was.

I'd barely made it more than five steps into the room before the door was flung open behind me. "Kara!" Maver verbally butchered my name, half exclaiming in surprise while half sighing in relief ending up in it sounding like some grunt forcing the way from the back of his throat rather than my name.

Had it not been for the fact he'd instantly wrapped his arms around me I would had laughed. Instead I coughed as his front slammed into my back, his arms snaking around my waist at inhumane speeds. Instinctively my hands found where his rested on my love handles and began to pry them free. He'd hugged me so tightly it'd caused his forearms to cross over my front resulting in a vice grip hold.

"I'm so glad you're okay," he exhaled heavily, loosening his hold on me. "Logan scared me shitless."

His words surprised me and I spoke the question out loud as I thought it. "He told you what happened?"

If I would have know this question would cause him to spin me to face him I would have prepared myself. But I hadn't so I didn't. Instead I nearly toppled to the floor, Maver talking even as I teetered. "You mean it's true?"

I took a moment to straighten myself out before replying. "Look, it's not a big deal. I just got worked up over nothing," I said with a dismissive wave of my hand in response to his shell-shocked tone.

Unfortunately my words only made his eyes go wide. "It’s no big deal?" he asked, sounding as shocked as he looked. "How can you even say that?”

"I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn't very well have just lain there," I shot back, my tone slightly defensive. I wasn't one who was used to being a damsel in distressed. Usually I just ignored my problems to the best of my ability. Having Maver staring incredulously at me wasn't helping the creeping blush either.

"Of course not," he muttered, his voice sounding disbelieving.

I looked down towards my feet, suddenly embarrassed. Why was he making it such a huge deal? "I'm sorry, okay? It was either him or Preston and I just saw his name first-"

"He was only your choice by chance?" Maver choked out, his eyes going so big it was a wonder they didn't pop out all together.

For Hating Me You Sure Are PossessiveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang