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They say no,

Religion, age, race

Lock it up in a big chateau

Because you can only choose from these

They can be 'the rules of feminism'

Or just the media

Everything's wrapped in criticism

And we're all wound up

They teach us that we're equivalent

But in a second it's forgotten

We end up being left in a state of ambivalence

It's all too confusing

Finding our 'other half' is a lie

They don't exist

Of all the people under the blue sky,

We could have thousands

It's like playing with a pup

The dog desperately wants the toy

It thinks it carries so much joy

But throws it away once he has it

We are the same

The things forbidden call to us most

We change our aim

But we don't know what for

Maybe that's how they work out most,

The ones that are not allowed

They make them close

It's the closest thing to true love


They say it's the 21st century

Anything's possible,

But that's it.


Leaving you frowned upon by everyone,

For anything the slightest bit unusual

An older woman, younger guy,

An issue of castes,

Different religions

Or even races

A black and a white,

A Russian and Ukrainian

A friend's ex,

A sibling's soulmate,

Or even a friend...

The one next door to the one next door?

A family's rivalry

The archenemy

The freshman

The senior

The jock and geek... or the geek and jock

Caught a case of the Romeo and Juliettes

But too afraid to admit it

Even to Romeo

But he knows

Hell yeah, it's the 21st century

Great for media, business, advertisement

But we all know how the story goes,

They both die in the end.

It goes around and comes around.

All because it's


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