Existential Dread

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I'm so scared

I'm terrified of what's to come
I don't know where I'm going to go
I don't know what I'm going to do
I don't know what's going to happen

Existential dread used to be a strange term
Now I feel like I am it in the shape of a human body

The future is me barely standing on the edge of a cliff with a drop of a million feet below me
One breeze sways me over the edge,
But I grab onto a fallen tree's branch
Then I get dizzy,
I lose my grip and fall into the depths of hell

My heart starts racing at a thousand miles per hour
And everything seems impossible

I don't have enough time,
I'm going to fail

A human heart shouldn't be beating this fast,
I'm going to have a heart attack

I'm getting dizzy,
I am definitely going to fall

And worst of all,
No one's going to be there to catch me

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