Chapter 28

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Natasha Romanoff
Even nine-year-olds received no mercy or lenience when it came to the KGB. I remember the burning feel that prickles across my skin and up my neck every time the cane was brought down on them. This punishment was nothing really, compared to what I was about to experience.
"10 hits for the stolen bread Natalia. Another 10 for giving it to another girl."
I flinch again as the cane hits hard across the marks of the original 15 hits. Somehow this man is able to hit in he exact same place every time.
"We do not run a charity here Natalia. To love is to destroy. Remember this. Or you will be destroyed and another girl will take all your honor." When the lashes cease, the man roughy wraps a bandage around each hand.
"Do not forgot your teachings Natalia. Or you will receive must worse from me."
I ran back to my bed space, instantly all the girls swarmed around me. They did not ask how I was but told me they needed me in one of their master escape plans. I roll my eyes and lie back on my bed. These plans never work. And when one girl is singled out as the leader, she is sent off and never seen again. It's said they are sent to some camp near Budapest. None of the girls apparently survive a whole week.
The last girl left 4 months ago. She was the eldest of all of us, at the age of 15. It was amazing she had lasted that long. No matter now. She's dead. She probably died from the cold or with two bullets in between her eyes.
"Come on Natalia, we only need you to distract the him." I roll away from them all. I know what they will make me do and there is no way I will ever do it.
"He's only attracted to you Natalia. You could help us all escape."
My lips waver slightly. I know fully well that the pervert is attracted to me. He had one of my trainers teach me to use my body against men. Sure, I'll do it if it means I complete an assignment, but outside of that..never.
"You guys won't even have to do anything. Just get him to follow you, tell him that you want some extra training in combat or something. Well set up the explosives and then boom! Home free..literally."
I sit up abruptly and look at allow them.
"Why me!? Why can't one of you risk your lives to do it? Maybe I don't want to leave this place! I have no family to go to. You all have somewhere! I'm not going to risk my position here for any of you! To love is to destroy remember??" I spit at them. I watch as one of the girls, a blond 12 year old, steps away from me, pulling some of the others with her.
"I always thought you were going to be the one they wouldn't break. The one they couldn't break. But it seems you might be the most corrupted of all of us. You act like a puppet, following all of their orders." She sits down in the corner. I screw my eyes shut as a ladies voice comes into my mind.
"Whatever you do princess, never let them break you!"
The voice sounds like it is coming from some distance away, as it sounds muffled as if my own mind doesn't want me to remember it.
"Fine. I'll do it." I stand up and make my way to the directors office. I never saw any of those girls alive again.

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