Chapter 2

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Clint fixed his bow tie in the mirror before hiding knives up his sleeves. Just in case. To be following the Black Widow was already dangerous. To do it unarmed, well you might as well put a gun in her hand and stand still, allowing her to pull the trigger. It would be suicide.
He entered the ballroom, starting towards the refreshments table. Red curtains draped from every window, none of which were opened. Intricate paintings were everywhere, the ceiling was even painted to a "Romeo and Juliet" theme. People were walking hand-in-hand, by themselves or were already dancing. A couple "gentlemen" were already drunk. As Clint walked, his eyes darted in every direction until they laid on red hair. Even though they didn't have an actual picture of her, they knew she would have her usual red hair for this mission. How they knew that, he didn't know but it wasn't like he was told everything.
She was even prettier than what he thought.
Barton shook his head.
'Can't think like that. She's a target. I have to kill her.'
Her dress was long and black, it hugged at her curves. It had a single 'slit' up the side.
'Slit? Is it called a slit? No matter. The opening probably meant she had more movement.'
Her lips were covered in a blood red lipstick, as her eyes were lined with black eyeliner and mascara. It made her striking green eyes stand out.
Her hair was hanging in a loose bun with hair failing around her face. She was deadly...but he had to admit she was attractive.
Natalia walked towards the refreshments table he was currently at.
'Stay put, stay quiet and observe Barton.' He silently ordered himself.
Natalia looked straight at him. With a small smile, she batted her eyelashes and winked at him.
'Did she just?'
Gathering his composure, he began his observing.
'Fake smile.'
Not many people would be able to tell that she was faking but he was her eyes that gave it away. Her eyes were cold. There was no spark. She look defeated.
'When was the last time you genuinely smiled?' He thought.
Natalia picked up a champagne glass and began to walk away with a slight sway in her hips.
Clint could literally see the drool coming out of the mouths of the men around him.
She was good.
'Just how good will you be when you're attacked?'
Clint caught sight of the unfortunate target of the Black Widow. It seems she had seen him too but was keeping her distance for now.
'Smart girl.'
Romanova walked with her glass to a spot in the room near her target.
'Ah the old: get the attention of another to get the attention of the one you want move.'
It seems she had decided to seduce a different man to get the attention of the real man she had to kill.
Barton looked away and came to the conclusion that the Black Widow had a great mind and great skills.
'Too bad she wasted it on the wrong people.'
To make sure he didn't raise suspicions, he kept his eyes away from her but continued to listen intently.
"What is your name pretty lady?"
Clint turned briefly to see who was talking. It was the rich man, her target, Gerod Baishef.
'Damn she's good.'
She had only been standing there for about 1 minute before got his attention.
'I've got to admit, I'm impressed.'
"Sophie Liehart."
'Good acting skills, very pretty and a fantastic liar.'
Now he just has to see how her combat skills are.
'Not long to wait.'
"Very pretty name. Very pretty indeed."
The man was looking at her like she was a piece of meat. She didn't seem disturbed, but to a trained eye, the slight tension in her smile said otherwise.
"Would you like to dance Sophie?"
"Of course."
Baishef led her to the dance floor. Romanova's face was blank but her eyes showed she was planning something.
The music was slow and gentle. The pair were dancing slower. Romanova had one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand. Baishef was overweight, meaning the buttons on his tux strained. The little hair on his head was made up for by his facial hair. The black of his hair was turning to grey. He was old, fat, wealthy and unforgiving.
Barton could tell Romanova found him disturbing. She would be making her move soon.

The Black Widow spun out from Baishef's "embrace" and reached up to her bun, latching onto the small black object hidden inside. Grabbing it, she spun back in and touched his shoulder, attaching it. She clicked the button on the side. She had 2 minutes to get clear before the bomb attached to Gerod's shoulder exploded.
No longer being held together by the object, Natalia felt her hair come out from the bun and hang down her back.

"I just remembered that I had to meet my brother very soon. I better get going."
It was a lame excuse but it was better than being blown up. That was not how she wanted to go. If she was going to go, she wanted a death with a lot more style. If she was going to go, she'd go out with more than just a bang.
Natalia made her way through the crowd, bumping people accidentally as she went.
50 seconds before he blew up.

Turned back around discreetly to check on the Black Widow, Barton placed his empty glass down. He paused and searched. She wasn't with Gerod.
Looking more carefully, he noticed there was a small black thing on the guys shoulder. Turning to look at the door, he caught sight of the ends of long black hair whipping 'round the corner. She was gone, but Gerod was still alive.
Clint sighed. He had to follow her.
Just as he began shifting through the crowd, an explosion sounded and chunks of charred human flesh flung around the room. Gerod was dead, blown up. The Black Widow had style.

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