Chapter 10

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"What have you found?"
"Absolutely nothing Coulson. She was running away and she was still efficient!
'Damn show-off'
No trail to follow. Nothing at al-"
Clint's eyes were drawn to something lying on one of the bins across the street.
"What is it?" Coulson asked
Clint swiftly walked towards the bin, reaching his hand out. His fingers pinched around it.
"One. red. hair."
After studying it for a few moments, Barton crouched down on the ground to search for anything else she may have left.
"What do you see?"
"A....a trail. There's an actual trail." His eyes followed it.
'She must have gone underground'
"It ends at a man hole. I'm suspecting that she went into the tunnels."
"Anything else to report?"
"She's injured"
Coulson paused before responding.
"How do you know?"
Barton smirked.
"The trail. It's blood."

"She's not in the tunnel."
"Are you sure she was down there?"
"Yup. Positive."
"Any idea how injured she is?"Coulson asked.
"It's amazing she even made it out of the tunnel. There's marks of blood all over the walls. There's even a bloody handprint right under the ladder."
"Just find her and get rid of her."
"Yes Ma'am."
Barton heard Coulson sigh heavily just before he turned the com-link on standby.
As he pushed the covering away, Clint felt the chill in the air.
"What the hell. It's not supposed to be cold."
Lifting his hoodie up once more, Barton put the cover back in place.
The uncanny silence almost unnerved him. Only one light post in the street worked, and even it would flicker. Barton drew in a deep breath.

He was alone. He was hunting a killer. Said killer was injured,
But there was no blood trail.

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