Chapter 3

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Barton discreetly exited the same way his target had. The blood on his face began to drip onto his tux and into his mouth. Using the back of his hand, he wiped it away.
Looking down the street, he saw light posts, cars, shops and houses but no Black Widow. He didn't really need to follow her, he knew where her next target was. But he didn't want to stick around here, he hated police. And they'd be coming within 10 minutes.
"I guess I'll see you next at a bar." Barton muttered as he began his walk to the safe house.
20 minutes later, he came up to the old building in the middle of the forest. It was half fallen down, with cob webs on every inch of it.
As he walked up the steps, he could smell the rotting corpses of the rats.
Putting his hand on the door knob, he shoved the door open.
"Great place."
Barton eyed the fallen bits of ceiling.
"Agent Barton. Good to see you." Coulson, his handler, came round the corner. He was wearing his usual suit and tie, coffee in hand.
"Coulson." Clint nodded his head in greeting.
"How'd she do it?" Clint knew what he was talking about without the clarification.
"Explosives. She attached it to his shoulder while dancing then got the hell out of there. It was quite impressive actually."
"Well how are you going to watch her in the bar tomorrow without being seen?" Asked Coulson.
Clint leaned against the weak wall, hoping to god it wouldn't crack.
"I was thinking of using the rooftops. She saw me at the ball so I can't risk her seeing me again. She'll realize I'm following her."
Coulson nodded his head and took a sip of his coffee.
"Rooftops. Good plan. So get there, get on the rooftops, don't be seen, watch her murder the intern-"
Clint shifted his weight to his other foot uncomfortably.
"-and get the hell out. No playing hero. Now....have a shower, you stink....and you're covered in blood."
Moving away from against the wall, Clint made his way towards the next room.
"Nice to see you too Phil." He called over his shoulder, making his way up the rotting stairs.
'SHIELD really chose the strangest safe houses.'
After his shower, it was 1:27am. He had plenty of time before he had to go spy on his target without getting killed.
He needed sleep, even if it wasn't for long.
The bed was the only thing without cobwebs in the whole place. It still sucked though.
'Okay....just don't think about the rodents and insects crawling around in the bed springs and you'll be fine. Just don't think about it. Don't! Dammit. I'm thinking about it.'
Clint squirmed a little. If there was one thing he hated, it was rodents, insects and spiders.
After a few hours of laying still, sleep finally came.

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