Chapter 5.

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Another early morning another day at school.

So this is what I was missing all these years of getting home schooled at the base, can't say it's something I would miss.

Here I was sitting in my first class as everyone also slowly made their way in, I had a coffee and it wasn't even helping I kinda just followed the map this morning not even paying attention to what it was I'm meant to be taking right now.

Last night we left William's house late and then getting to sleep even later and an early morning... Yeah, even this dirty table looks good enough to sleep on right now.

"You take Art?" A voice startles me and I look up to see Brooklyn sliding into the seat next to mine, looking around I see the art on the walls the paint the pencils and everything else you would find in an art room.

"Yep, I take art." I nod my head looking at him. If you can count the doodles I like to draw on my books as art then I was great.

"Well at least I have someone I know in this class. So last night was fun, though I'm feeling it this morning and if the smell of coffee coming from that cup is right so are you." He laughs pointing at my coffee cup on the table.

"I'm not good first thing in the morning then add on a late night, coffee is the only thing pulling me through today." I take another sip of my coffee just as the teacher walks in looking more lost than me on my first day.

"Um, class... Right, hello everyone I'm Miss Morgan but call me Ivy." She writes her name on the board after trying to find her pen only for it to be on her table right in front of her.

"Is she new?" I ask Brooklyn assuming she would be with the way she looks so lost.

"No this is just Ivy, she's always like a lost puppy." Brooklyn replies. I look back at the teacher who is smiling at the class looking at everyone trying to take them all in. "She likes to be called Ivy because she thinks it lets the students closer to her, first name's and what not, she's not bad once you get used to her she kinda lets you be very open minded in this class not letting anyone feel restricted." Brooklyn add's in.

"So there's my new student." She's looking at me now a smile on her face and I just smile back while sitting feeling awkward once again all eyes on me. "I can't wait to see some of your work and see what you come up with. So today we are going to be working with pastels you all know the drill by now." Everyone starts getting up knowing what to do while I sit wide-eyed not really sure what the drill is... The only drill's I know are the attacking kind.

"Here take this." Brooklyn places a piece of black paper in front of me with a box of pastels.

"Thank's, so what's the drill?" I ask him setting everything up in front of me.

"For people who know where everything is kept for us to just get up and get them ourselves and put it all away once we are done. The papers are all kept over their, The pens and anything else is in the middle and then paint over on the other side. Everything else we might use in a lesson gets brought out the night before over on them tables for us to use if you need anything just ask and I'll point you in the right direction." Brooklyn tells me while pointing to parts of the classroom.

"Okay then... I'll try and remember that."


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