Chapter 7.

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I stick my hand out of the quilt until I find my phone switching the alarm off, it wasn't as an early as school, but I still had to wake up to get ready for a day of go-karting with the boys.

Having one last stretch in bed, I swing my legs out until my feet are on the floor and I push myself onto them, I open my curtains to let some light in noticing how Brooklyn's still closed ones.

Heading to my bathroom to have a quick shower before getting ready for the day, I put half of my hair up so it will be out of my face but not in the way when I put the helmet on, Brush my teeth, do my makeup then I walk into my wardrobe.

"What to wear, what to wear..."

I pull out some dark grey jeans and an oversize sweater shoving them on I look in the mirror and shrug my shoulders... Okay, let's go.

I walk down the stairs to the kitchen to see Cruz putting some jam on toast and snatch the slice he had already done.

"Hey, that was mine." He says looking up at me while I take a massive bite.

"What's one of the rules to be a spy? Always be ready for an attack in this case attack of someone stealing your toast." I eat some more pouring some coffee into a cup and sitting on the counter next to it.

"You could have just made some yourself." Cruz says as he does the lid on the jam.

"Where's the fun in that?" I wink as he bites into his toast shaking his head at me, ones he has eaten enough to speak he says.

"So how is everything going?"

"With what?" I ask.

"The mission, Brooklyn."

"Right, it's good I'm spending the day with him and the boys go-karting so hopefully without Rosie in the way I can really get to know him better." I inform him finishing my toast.

"Well have a nice day, I'm sure you will win what with your training on driving a getaway car." Cruz said smirking before leaving the room and I jump off heading for the front door.

I open the front door and jump a little when I see Brooklyn on the other side as he does the same at my sudden appearance.

"Hey, what you doing here? I thought we were all meeting at the go-kart ring?" Harry had sent a group text with the address last night and we all agreed to meet there.

"Well, I thought that maybe we should drive together what's the point of us driving in two cars when we live next to each other and are going to the same place?" Brooklyn says slightly awkward.

"Oh yeah, save the planet and all that right." I smirk and he laughs at our shared joke.

"Shall we take my car?" He offers holding up his keys.



Once we all got here and started getting ready the boys started betting on what one of them was going to win... Did I get a mention in all of this no because they thought I wouldn't know how to drive one of these things to the point Harry took me to the go cart and pointed out what each pedal done.

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