SZY Express

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S Z Y     E X P R E S S

Hello and welcome to Spazzy Magazine's very first issue. Feel free to send us your shout outs, letters and artworks. Don't worry, it doesn't need to be about our magazine, it could be about your favorite anime or movies.

SZY Shout Outs:

"I will be supporting you magazine and maybe I'll announce it on my magazine too! :))"

-22TwentyTwo via Wattpad

Letter of the Month:

Spazzy so sassy, Spazzy so groovy, Spazzy so funky! I really like the idea of this magazine, and how it's so girly that I want to buy it from newsstands and stack it up in my shelf-showcase. I'll be eagerly waiting for the June issue! :) It's such a glam idea that I told myself it'd be such a downer not to be able to be one of the staffs, but sadly, I'm not very crafty, and although I do make my own covers and banners, I doubt I'll reach the standards since I'm such a noob. I'm very interested in gadgets, almost unhealthily obsessed with them, so I'll be most looking forward to 'Talking Nerdy!'

Hope to hear from you soon, Spazzy!

Wish you all the best, 


Artwork of the Month: (See Multimedia)

The Featured Artwork is made by our very own editor-in-chief, SixStringGirl a.k.a Sapphire. She said she made it to keep track on what's happening in Spazzy Magazine. Like when she's thinking of an idea for the theme of the month. She also uses this to keep track of the staffs like if someone quits and another was hired. She makes sketches sometimes in this book to have an idea of the theme.

Be in Spazzy: 

We love hearing from you SZYs! See the chapter named "Be in Spazzy" to find out how to send us your letters, artworks or shout-outs.

Spazzy Magazine June 2013Where stories live. Discover now