In This Issue

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See the artworks, letters and shout outs of our fellow SZYs in SZY Express.

Start Summer Spazzyfun and read our very own editor-in-chief’s words of wisdom.

In This Issue, you’ll find fun so look no further and see more of it here.

Wondering what’s happening this June? See our June Calendar.

Are you looking for something to read here on Wattpad? Here is Spazzy Hot Books written just for you in every genre.

Of course, we have Undiscovered Gems so that we’ll notice other books too.

See Talking Nerdy for the hottest movies and gadgets.

Tune In to the latest music and see our top 10 countdown

See Interview with Monica4242 if you want to know more about her.

25 Days of Fun, never dare to run, see what’s inside and have a SPAZZYMAZING SUMMER.

Spazzily Embarrassing is the section where you can find embarrassing stories sent by our readers.

Have a secret to tell? See our Fess Up column for this month’s confessions.

Sulky Stitch is the column for you if you want some advices with your problems.

InkLit is the writer’s guide to starting and ending your story. We want to inspire you to write with passion and not for the sake of followers only.

See the latest fashion Trends and not feel out of place.

SZY Workshop is made for you to bring out the inner artists in you.

There are Advertisements of contests and books for you to read and join.

Be In Spazzy for our next month’s issue. Send us your works, letters, shout outs, and more.

We have an Acknowledgements column so we can thank those woho helped and inspired us.

You have unlimited credit to read our magazine.

Enjoy the ride!

Spazzy Magazine June 2013Where stories live. Discover now