Home Sweet Home

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Derek POV

I don't know when i blacked out but the last thing i remember was a single gun fire. And pain. God the pain. It felt as though the scream the witch let out ignited a fire in my body.

The witch!

But when i snapped my eyes open i instantly shut them again out of reflex; it was pouring with rain, and my whole body felt cold and numb so it must have been for a while. Groaning, i rolled of my back. Or tried too. That's when i realized there was something wrong, i started panicking as i rolled onto my side and got to my feet... Wait not feet... Paws??? Why did i have paws??? Stumbling around i must have looked like a newborn foal getting adjusted to my new acquirement's as i took in the scene around me. Rain was clouding my vision and the only source of light was the bold bright beautiful moon high in the sky but i swear i could little mounds on the ground of what appeared to be clothing with fluffy little balls in the middle of them. There were 10 in total. In the center of the clearing there was the same sight but with blood red glitter, or that's what is seemed to be, coating it and everything in a 2 meter radius. One of the fur balls to my left moved and i saw that, as it unfolded and yawned, it was a puppy. It looked just as confused as i was, too.
I walked over to it on still wobbly legs and used my muzzle to help it stand, it had pure black fur but with a brown tipped tail and it stared at me in utter astonishment. The others around us were starting to wander over too as if seeking answer that i didn't have to give. The sorceress was gone and all that seemed to remain off my pack was a litter of puppies. Little defenseless week puppies that had no where to go, because the house wouldn't be safe, i had no idea if the witch was dead or alive and she could be after us right at that very moment.
We had to move.
There was one puppy left to wake up, the one covered in glitter at the center of the glade, so running over i nuzzled at it until it awoke.
"What d'ya want dad m'tired" the pup mumbled sleepily.
"I want you to wake up so we can go somewhere where it's safe Stiles" I stated calmly as i could without letting to much emotion into my voice. If i did i was afraid of what emotion it would display. When he realized it was me he was speaking to he was up instantly and not being used to his new legs he fell flat on his face. Something i found oddly endearing and adorable. Not the sort of thing to be thinking about now though, so i put my mind back on the matter at hand.
"As Stiles has just proved, we can still communicate and in this instance that is something were going to need," I started " we'll figure this out but first we need to find somewhere safe to spend the rest of the night and make plans"
"What about the house???"
Jackson questioned,
"The house isn't a safe option" I replied simply.
"What about Scott's??? Maybe Melissa can help"Isaac asks,
"Isaac we can't go home Mom isn't there and we wont be able to get in the house like this"
Scott says head butting Isaac playfully which then turned into them tumbling round the grass yapping and kicking at each other.
"What about Stiles' house??? Your dad wont be back till tomorrow morning will he???" We all turn to look at the boy in question but he's too busy daydreaming to notice, a far off distance in his eye that makes him look like an innocent child. That's all he is really, and i can't think of him any other way, he's only 17. Erica gives him a nudge encouraging him to answer her question, and she repeats it when he asks.
"Yeah," he says still sounding like he's miles away "yeah lets do that. Let's go home."


Stiles's POV
When i was woken up i could feel it, that something wasn't right, but it was so insignificant that i couldn't work out what it was that was making me feel this way. I could hear the pack talking and making plans in the background and i saw Scott and Isaac split up their play fight when Isaac was thrown into Jackson causing him to release a low warning growl. But when Erica bumped her muzzle into me i guessed i was supposed to be listening to the conversation. I briefly saw Derek looking at me, and it may have just been because of this overly confusing and tiring night, but i think i saw a small secret smile in his eyes. When i blinked and it was gone i put it up to fatigue and wishful thinking.
"Yeah," I said, tucking my current thoughts and feelings away to worry about later "yeah lets do that. Let's go home."

Walking on 4 paws and little legs makes the walk back home a lot, lot , lot further and even more tiring if that were even possible. After everyone pushed their clothes and possessions into a small hollowed out tree we started out on the trek toward home. We were waddling along in a strange formation, Derek leading up front the rest of us in pairs behind him and all the while i was humming 'the ants go marching 2 by 2' in my head. I was walking with Isaac to my left, Scott and Allison behind me and Jackson's butt square in front of me and because of this i noticed the brown tip on the end of his tail. That was going to make some interesting ideas for comebacks later...
When we finally, about what seemed like a 2 days later, came to the house i took the lead at the look Derek directed at me. They followed my pursuit into the back garden where, after reading myself by shaking my ass and tail at the rest of them, I leaped onto the upside down flower pot, onto the table and onto the window ledge where, as i thought, the open kitchen window awaited me. Looking down I saw most of them tilting their head and looking up in surprise while Scott was giving me what could have been said to be a grin, and Derek just climbed up after me. Turning away from the edge I glanced a look at him and he was just staring straight back expectantly yet calmly, waiting for me to go in. After near missing a dip in the kitchen sink I jumped of the counter and onto the tiled floor, my claws scratching it with every step. The others soon followed and soon we were all safe in the house.
"Now what ???" Boyd asked
"Now we rest and wait" Peter brushed past him and headed out of the room. Even looking like a puppy that guy was still creepy.
With that we all headed out the kitchen, up the stairs and I didn't even realize were were going to my room until I was squished between Boyd's back and Danny's legs with Allison's paw draped over my front leg. Usually I wouldn't mind it at all, but being in the middle of this puppy pile with real fur and REAL puppies for once was kind of over heating me, so i carefully pried myself away from the others and sat near the end of my bed. That's where I noticed Derek had curled into a ball at the foot of the bed. I gave a sigh and shuffled a little closer to the pack but not as close as i would have before. Derek never seems to want to be with the rest of us I thought as sleep started to creep its way in I'm going to change that...

Well I'm astounded that people have actually read this but I hope people will continue too and I hope it was worth your time because I have quite a few ideas as to were this is going... But thank you for reading and any ideas are welcome for contribution as well as corrections on spelling and grammar because I'm dyslexic and my brain doesn't like words very much :)


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