Pack Movie Night

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Isaac POV

When we got back to Stiles' house I stuck around with Boyd and Erica avoidinghim. Waking up this morning, being so close to Scott like that was painful. In the past few months I had developed a weakness for that lopsided grin and big brown eyes but when he woke and left me without a word, chasing after Allison it was just rubbing salt in the wound.
But something seemed off with him and I couldn't work out what.
"Why couldn't this have happened some other time??? I had plans this weekend!" Erica complained.
"I think most of us would have preferred it not to have happened at all" Boyd pointed out, I nodded in agreement with him.
"What were you going to do???" I made it seem as though I was paying attention rather than looking for a certain sandy puppy.
"She was going to go see that film with Taylor Lautner in, Tracers." Boyd interrupted Erica before she got a chance to answer. Erica pushed into Boyd until he toppled over, then decided to lay on top of him pinning him to the floor.
"Well I don't have that one but I've got 'Abduction' if you want to watch that." Stiles bounded down the stairs closely followed by Derek who abandoned him in aid to get food. With a nod from Erica he crossed the room quickly, opened the cabinet beneath the TV, scanned the shelves for the film in question and snagged it of the shelf with his paw. Once it fell on the floor he shuffled around it until he got it in his jaws, then ran of in the direction of the open study door.
I could see him shoving the DVD box into his father's calf until he looked down and wagged his tail when his father finally understood and took the box from him, walking into the room and setting up the DVD player. When he turned to leave however he had a slight problem.
Stiles was attached to his leg. By his teeth. Clinging on for dear life.
His father scowled down at him and reached to detach his son but Stiles growled and started shuffling backwards toward the couch, dragging his father with him. John got the idea after a while and sat down on the couch but as soon as his son let go he stood up to make his way back to the study. That was until Stiles started dashing in-between his feet, almost making him fall over.
To be honest, from an outsiders point of view, it looked hilarious. A puppy trying to get the sheriff to go back to the sofa and watch the stupid move with them; but there was a distinct look of determination in Stiles' eye's that said he was not taking no for an answer.
Eventually the sheriff gave in to his son's demand and sat back on the couch then, to make sure he didn't try getting up again, Stiles climbed onto his knees and stared at him.
"Stiles I have paper work to get through you know," he said staring at him "I don't have the time to watch a movie with you"
Stiles barked one, just making noise to us although the sheriff gave a sigh like he understood the meaning behind it and it was a common point put to him in similar arguments.
"Fine, I'll take a break but I can't watch the whole film Stiles I have work to do" this seemed like an acceptable answer to Stiles so he jumped of his fathers lap onto the couch beside him. I saw Scott and Allison spooning on the sofa side nearest the kitchen, and I couldn't help the urge, the need, to be near him but I couldn't. Boyd and Erica were snuggled up on the chair just like the previous night so I took the space on the floor in front of it not looking at him.

Once everyone was settled the Sheriff pressed play.

Scott POV

I was avoiding it. Him. I didn't know how I felt about him but this morning hadn't helped at all, knowing how adorable he looked when he had just woken up even if he was a puppy at the time. I couldn't work out what to do.
I loved Allison.
But I had feelings for Isaac.
And one of the things that scared me the most was how badly I wanted to act on those feelings and how strong those feelings were.
I first noticed it when Allison was no longer able to keep me from wolfing-out and my brain automatically had gone to the thought of Isaac. I calmed down then. Almost as if he had taken the place of Allison as my anchor; I didn't think that that was possible but apparently it is, according to Derek. I could feel my love ebbing for Allison, day by day even if her looks still attracted me. But all the while my feelings for Isaac grew, from a friendship to... Something. Something that made me feel, that made me confused and happy and scared and ecstatic all at the same time like he just made my brain melt.

This morning, like I said, hadn't helped things, because now my feelings weren't something I could deny any more, they were more confirmed than ever before and at full force as I stared at him of the floor from where I was on the couch, Allison curled into me.
How would Allison react??? I had thought of it many times before, it was one of the things that tended to happen if I was thinking of Isaac or Allison or any aspect of my love life for that matter. Would she understand??? Would she still want to be my friend??? Or would she hate me and never talk to me again??? When I had thought of it before she'd ask if he was worth dumping her for, if I ever loved her and if he was more important to me than her.
A new thing dawned on me then.
He was.
At that moment in time I realized I was in love.
But not with the beautiful Allison Argent.
With a lonely, fragile curly haired boy.
With Isaac Lahey.

Stiles POV

"Well it looks like were having pack movie night after all even if the witch took our usual Friday night" I muttered sleepily as Derek came over to sit beside me. The sourwolf had been trying to get me to answer his questions all day. 'Why hadn't you told us she was dead??? Why did u kill her??? You knew the plan was to knock her out. What happened to the body???' Questions, questions, questions. But the one that had surprised me was the most was:
"Are you okay Stiles???" he asked jumping up on my bed and sitting beside me
"What??? Where are the others???" I replied, unable to believe what I was hearing and trying to change the subject of me.
"The others are downstairs. Are you okay??? It takes a lot of courage to kill someone Stiles, and a lot of will power, a hell of a lot of will power, not to break down afterward"
"I think that is the most I have ever heard you say in one go" I said unable to concentrate on anything but fact there seemed to be worry in his voice, almost as if he was concerned.
Then he smiled. HE SMILED. Point to Stiles Stilinski.
"Come on," he butted his head against my shoulder but it wasn't as rough as it usually was, no anger behind it, almost as if it was just for keeping up appearances. "The others will be wrecking havoc without us"

I smiled slightly at that, even if he didn't mean it they way I did, the words 'us' just gave me a warm buzz inside. I watched vaguely as Taylor Lautner launched himself onto the glass roof of the stadium when being chased by the guy who I can never remember the name of. Id watched it a thousand times, Taylor was on my list so I watched a lot of his movies, and I knew everything that would happen so I found watching the pack and (Mainly) Derek relax in the house more interesting.
I couldn't help but let out a quiet huff of laughter at the sight on the couch. My dad was at the bottom of one of the famous Hale pack piles that was always the result of these nights, covered from head to tail (Hah) in a furry blanket of puppies. He'd taken to the whole werewolf ideal really well, better than I could have hoped for, but he had with most things in life, me coming out to him for example. He, Scott, Erica and Lydia were the only ones that knew I was gay because my 3 best friends and my dad seemed like a good way to go. I had told Lydia a while ago about my scheme of pretending she was the love of my life to cover up the real fact that I was gay , and ever since me and her had become pretty close friends. Scott I had accidently told when I was 15, we had gotten drunk for the first time and I accidently said that I thought a guy on the TV was 100% bangable but it wasn't until the next morning that he understood what I had revealed about myself. Erica had just found out because we shared a few people on our lists; Taylor Lautner being one of them.

By the end of the night, the whole room was trashed with scrunched up packets, spilt food and things strewn lazily all over the lounge. The whole pack, except for Derek, ends up passing out on the couch all cuddled up together forming a cover of furry warmth over my snoring father.
The last thing I see is Derek tuning the television off with a press of his nose before the room turns black.

Scisaac as promised but Sterek is the main focus of this story then Scisaac then Allydia then Shellisa and Janny and so forth...
But I hope this was okay, I tried and for writing of the top of my head this is the best I could do. I know the picture doesn't have them as puppies on a couch but it resembles a pack pile so i like it and it goes with the chapter - Kinda ??? :P
More on the plot next chapter - I have it all planned in my head. Thanks for reading :)


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