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"What did you get this time?" the wolf nodded at the mans bandaged forearm as he walked through the front door and into their home. The witch's lip twitched, forming a small smirk as grazed his hand over the simple white wrap that concealed his latest purchase; a permanent marker etched into his skin.

"You'll see later" he replied, revelling in the secrecy knowing full well it made the other man crazy being as curious as the witch himself even if he was less obvious about it.

"At least tell me if you got it from Kelly or Maddison?" the wolf asked stepping into the kitchen to help the younger man unload their groceries.

"You know Derek, I don't understand how people think you have patients sometimes-"

"Because I keep you for company" Derek interrupted fighting fire with fire and teasing back "but don't change the subject Stiles I wanna know."

Stiles smiled a simpler smile, one of happiness but in acknowledgment that the answer to that question needed to be a serious answer. Maddison was a talented artist that Stiles went to for his tattoos as she worked in a tattoo and body art workshop called Dragon City down town. Kelly, however, was a young man who owned an exclusive shop named After Taste which took residence 2 towns over from Beacon Hills. After Taste in the front seemed like a nice little spice, herbs and tea store for teas and herbal remedies but in the back room actually housed a tattoo parlour. Tattoos that specifically catered for witches using magic infused ink to create runes and binding spells.

"Kelly" Stiles reviled as he turned to put the apple juice and the mango juice in the fridge – Derek always insisted that apple juice was tedious and boring and opted for more exotic fruit juices so Stiles obliged in their weekly shops.

Derek nodded whilst putting the bread away not bothering to ask again, he knew that Stiles would tell him what his latest rune was in his own time when he'd come to terms with his new ability. It always took a little adjusting to sit comfortably after getting a new rune for Stiles because, as he put it, "it's like jetlag and pins and needles but mentally – magic lag" so Derek usually let him settle before poking to see Stiles' latest design. Over the past 6 years since he became a witch Stiles had had partial if not full input and dedication in the designing of all of his tattoos.

"How was work?" Stiles asked, briefly looking over his shoulder in his mates direction. Derek had started volunteering for the local fire department around 2 years ago after a supernatural incident blew up the whole building leaving the force under staffed due to casualties and hospitalised fighters, but eventually he got a full time paid job there and he loved it.

The wolf shrugged and answered "Got called out for some kid blowing up their microwave because they didn't use the popcorn setting and a 5 year old girl phoned the department because her balloon got stuck in a tree"

Stiles smiled to himself "So nothing out of the ordinary huh?" to which the other man shook his head before wrapping his arms around the younger male, resting his chin on his shoulder.

"What about you? Anything interesting happen at the precinct?" After a long time training at the police academy Stiles had passed with flying colours and had further gone on our be one of his dad's best deputies.

"Na, just a few parking tickets and teenagers shoplifting" Stiles huffed a laugh as he picked up two wine glasses, leaving the pans cooking as he set the table for dinner "Although Mrs Hederson was caught stealing again today; you know for a woman of her age she's pretty swifty, but I guess people don't expect 84 year olds to go swiping things off shelves" he smiled.

Derek went and retrieved a bottle of wine from the rack while he asked "What was it this time?" Mrs Henderson was a little old lady who had been banned from a number of stores throughout Beacon Hills for taking all sorts of things ranging from baby wipes to biscuits to bottles of whiskey – she even managed to sneak away with a gardening rake once.

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