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Derek POV

The next day Alex woke the household up with her alarms.

She'd been paranoid throughout the night according to Owen and had started wandering aimlessly around the house at 6 this morning before setting up multiple magic alarm systems surrounding the perimeter of the house.

One of which, screeched a high pitched noise making everyone else startle awake and cover their ears, the rest of the pack and myself whining with the pain it had caused.

"SORRY!" She screamed once the sound had stopped, leaving everyone to listen to the buzzing in there ears as they readjusted to the normal sounds of the house.

Once everyone had managed to regain there senses they bounded down the stairs to see what she had been doing, to be met with Alex atop of Owens shoulders fixing something to the top of the window.

"I thought it would be safer to have wards around the house," she said as Owen set her down on her feet again.

"Not if they give us all heart attacks first they wont" Melissa said with a huff, her hand over her heart, looking down at all the puppies piling at her feet eyes pricking with tears again at not seeing a sandy furred one amongst them.

Alex stared at her with a smile at first but that smile turned sad and her eyes distant at the thought of Scott being gone again.

Owen clamped a firm grip on her shoulder making her jump as he steered her into the kitchen, leaving the others to follow after them.

Breakfast was silent apart from Owen trying to make small talk to try and lighten the mood, but even Peter stuck to the silence, thinking of what was to come.

Once everyone had finished, Alex claimed the kitchen hers for the day and started collecting some of the herbs and concoctions she had been making over the coarse of the last few days saying she was going to create some potions for a little extra help if they ever needed it when they came into the trouble her prophesy has foretold.

Melissa couldn't take the day off having no explanatory excuse for her ill mind, but said that the work would put off her worries for another time anyway and it would help clear her head so her and John set of for work as usual.

That left the pack to settle in the living room, with Avatar playing to entertain us but Isaac and Stiles kept looking sleepy.

Boyd and Erica took care of Isaac, nuzzling him so he was laid down with his head pillowed on Erica's leg as she did the same to Boyd.

Stiles however was being stubborn and kept shaking his head and staring out the window before letting his eyelids droop yet gain before repeating the process.

Leaning down I whispered in his ear "Sti, baby, come on you need to go up stairs and take a nap,"

"No!"Well that woke him up "I've got to be here when he comes back, he's my brother Der, I need to be here" His energy was faulting with every word he uttered, voice wavering until his head was resting on my shoulder and his breath close to evening out.

"Stiles please come on I can't carry you like this you have to work with me, okay?"

"Mmm" He sighed but stood wobbly to his feet and started staggering toward the stair case.

After practically dragging him up the stairs I lay down beside him on the bed and scented him as he slept peacefully before getting an idea.

Maybe I could put his mind at ease a little.

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