In The Blood ???

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Scott POV

When we came back into the room it was evident that we had just missed something important. My mother was in the Sheriffs arms, looking like she was on the brink of tears, Boyd and Erica where scent marking one another and Lydia was ranting quietly at Danny and Allison, who just stared at the couple on the chair. Stiles was leaning against Derek who seemed to lean into him as well. I'll ask about that later.
"What's happened???" I nudged Peter.
"In summery: If we don't get the cure within the next month, we're stuck like this forever" he said not looking at the floor which had become of sudden interest. Isaac stood beside me, a small comfort for the trouble of Peter's words.
"So your telling me," the Sheriff pulled out of my mums grasp but still an arm over her shoulders "that this could be permanent???"
"Without the blood, yes" Alex nodded.
"What blood???" Isaac asked openly to the pack who all looked away or at the floor diverting their gaze in one way or another as if they hadn't heard him. Except Peter.
"A relative. Blood relative. They need some blood of someone related to each of us for their cure to work."
Me and Isaac looked at one another as the others sneaked glances at us to undoubtedly see our reactions.
"Well then what's the problem???" Asked Isaac acting innocent; I couldn't help but grin at his cheeky attitude, it was adorable.
"You..." Boyd trailed off.
"You've... Yano... KindaGotNoBloodRelativesSoThereIsNoWayOfChangingYouBack" Stiles rushed out all at once and Derek glared at him but it looked forced.
Yeah, there was definitely something going on there and I was going to find out what.
When Isaac looked at him confused Erica took a deep breath said it clearer for us.
"You've got no blood relatives so there is no way to change you or Jackson back" she looked at me fearing the sight on Isaac's upset face.
All the while this was going on; mum , Sheriff, Deaton, Owen and Alex were looking at us with quizzical faces until Boyd, for the first time, used the keyboard to type out a summary of what was going on. Isaac went to the computer and I went to nose at Alex until she looked at the screen for him.
"What was your brother Rick's middle name???"
Alex looked at the screen and frowned for a moment but answered anyway.
"Emerson. Why are you asking anyway???"
"Because," Isaac wrote "that was my fathers name"
When she read this she looked at the puppy with shock written all over her face.
"Your..." she mumbled before trying again "Is your brothers name Camden???"
Owen, who had been watching the whole fiasco, smiled and reached out a hand to Isaac who let himself be patted and stroked and loved.
"I think it would clear things up a little more if we knew all your last names" he said.
"Isaac Lahey," the Sheriff started and Alex squealed confirming that, yes, she was Isaac's Aunt. When Isaac was safely nestled in his Aunts warm embrace the Sheriff continued with a smile. "Erica Reyers," he points at each puppy accordingly when saying their names "Vernon Boyd, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Danny Mahealani, Peter Hale, Jackson Whittemore, and their Alpha Derek Hale."
Owen had gone wide eyed and was paying full attention by the end.
"Whittemore..." he said quietly "Did you say Whittemore??? He voiced it louder this time. My mother nodded and glanced between Owen and Jackson nervously. Owen looked at the pup in question who looked more than a little confused. As did everyone else, including Alex, in the room.
"Do you have any brothers???" he asked tears pricking in his eyes. Jackson shook his head 'no' causing the tears to rolling freely down the mans cheeks and he looked like he couldn't decide whether to smile or grimace. He eventually decides when Jackson walked to him and cautiously nuzzled his hand.

He decided on one word.

One word that made this whole day even more confusing.


Jackson POV

"Son???" Owen said.

I looked at him.

Was he nuts???

"Is he nuts???" Because it was just not enough saying it on the inside.
"Jackson did you ever know your real parents???" Derek tried to be the voice of reason, walking over and finally leaving Stiles' side.
"Well, no, because I was told they died in a car crash when I was a baby" I said confused.
The man who claimed to be my biological father was falling apart in front of me, crying like all he wanted in the world was for me to understand and play happy father and son with him. I didn't want to see him like that even if he wasn't my real father and despite what everyone says I'm not heartless. With a huff I clambered my way into his lap, similar to what Isaac did to Alex only no where near as enthusiastic. Owen fell into stroking my fur as he answered Mr Stilinski's request for him to elaborate to all the unknowing in the room and I fell back against his chest.

It felt good, okay???

"When Cassie, my ex-fiancé, told me she was pregnant I was ecstatic, I loved the thought of having a child but Cass thought we were both still too young to have a baby. But she went through with the pregnancy in spite of herself and when he was born she seemed only more so. We both loved him, me more than her I would safely say, but she still felt as though it wasn't time to have a family. She wanted to give it up. So she put... Jackson, up for adoption. The thing was she did it without telling me and if I knew she was going to give him up I would have taken him and left her. I loved having a son."

After the moment hesitation of saying my name aloud he looked as though it pained him to do so.
"But she said that I wouldn't be able to cope. Made me think I would be a bad parent without her, said I was financially unstable to raise a child alone and in the end she persuaded me to let him go. It was the worst mistake of my life"
There was no tick in his strong heartbeat; he genuinely thought that giving me up had been the worst thing he could ever do and has ever done in his life.

"Why didn't you know from his first name??? Why did you only know about his last name???" Said Mrs McCall.

"The only thing I was told after he was taken away was that he was going to a rich family called the Whittemore's and as for the other part," he looked at me "he was called Thomas Shields when he was born."

Thomas, so that was my born name.

'It could explain why you turned into a Kanima when you first got the bite though, maybe when that witch cursed your dad it cursed your blood too but it needed the bite to react it. Like Lydia's banshee powers." Stiles suggested.
It made sense I guess.

"So now at least we don't have to worry about the blood problem, everyone has a blood relative who can donate a drop of blood for the cure." Said Alex.
"We should get to work then" Deaton said before heading back to his office leaving us all to our own devices.

Sorry it's a poop chapter but I've had homework and parents evening at school and I'm not gonna lie here I've been reading Sterek and got distracted in the last few days so I'm sorry. Hope this chapter is okay and I'll update soon. I know what I want to happen I just need to find a way to word it. Any comments with feedback/idea's would be great. Thank you! :)


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