F**k Fame

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"Hey Trey come here for a min," Shae asked.

"Aww okay," I replied walking to her.

"Wats up?" I asked.

"You taking GiGi to incredible Pizza?" She asked.

"I can, you busy?" I asked holding her by the waist.

"Yea I got school this evening?" She said, blushing a lil.

"Aww you blushing," I pointed out smiling.

"Watever, um not blushing, she said.

"Sure you are?" I said pulling her into me and her lips cover mine and the kiss lasted 30 seconds cuz our tongue were fighting for dominance and she won.

"Ight, bye boo take care of GiGi," she said kissing me one more time.

"Okay," I replied leaving the living room.

"Be careful boo," I said.

"I will," she replied.

So I went to my daughters room and she was putting on her jacket.

"You ready GiGi?" I asked putting on my Nike pullover.

"Yes daddy, we going to incredible pizza?" She asked.

"Yea mommy have to go to school tonight so you wanna go and have fun?" I asked.

"Yeah daddy!" She said following behind me.

So we walked outside and I locked the front door and unlock the car door and sat GiGi in and buckle her seat belt and I got in the front seat and buckle up. I crank the car up and pull out the drive way heading toward Germantown Parkway.

"Hey daddy can I see your phone." She asked.

"Sure," I said handing it to her as I pulled out my iPhone 6s and played Cymphonique Soldier Girl which is her favorite and put it on shuffle while playing songs by her.

I got a text from Tariq and I couldn't read it while I'm driving because I get distractions to easily so I ignored it for a while.

The Kate Bond Street light caught me and I stopped and looked at my text

Tariq- sup dude

Jamie- wassuh niqqa

So the light turned green and I pulled off and drove til I hit Germantown, once I hit Germantown I made that right and kept straight.

"Daddy where's Cali?" GiGi asked.

I kinda felt a little sad when she asked because Cali and her mom live in California and it's been a 2 years since she seen her big sister.

"She's with your aunt GiGi you miss her?" I asked looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"Yeah I miss playing temple run with her," GiGi replied frowning a little.

"It's okay you'll see her again," I assured.

"You promise?" She asked.

"I promise," I assured smiling at her through the mirror.

So when we got there we made it past the line and we got sum pizza and other food and GiGi got sum cookies and ice cream.

"Hey daddy thanks for taking me here,"  GiGi said.

"You welcome," I said eating my pepperoni pizza.

So two women sat at our table a fine woman with a nose ring sat across from me with her son and another woman probably her friend sat next to me with her son.

So I smiled and waved at them.

"Hey," I said smiling at them.

"Hi," they replied.

"Your daughter is beautiful," the woman with the nose ring said.

"Thank yhu," I replied smiling.

So I turned to the girl next to me. "Hey wassup wit you though?" I asked.

"You wanna get with me," she asked.

"Yea u cute," I said looking into her eyes.

"Awww u cute too," she replied blushing.

"Awww you blushing boo," I said rubbing her thigh.

So she put her hand over mine and rubbed it and I knew she liked it. So I turned toward GiGi.

So we ate and talked and Gigi made friends with their sons. And I finished eating my cheese pizza and I had sum ice cream in my spoon and I held it to the girl mouth and she ate it smiling.

So sum ice ran down her mouth and I rubbed it off and licked my finger and she laughed. I turned to Gigi who was finishing her ice cream.

"Hey Gigi yhu wanna go play now?" I asked.

"Yes daddy," she said happily.

"Oka boo boo lets go," I said turning to my friend.

"Yhu wanna come too?" I asked gesturing to her and her friend to bring their sons along.

"Yea," they replied.

So I gave Gianni her play card.

"Thank you daddy?" She said smiling.

"Okay Gigi wat game you wanna play first. I asked.

"That one," she pointed to the game where you can win prizes like games and phones and stuffed toys.

So we walked over and she slid her card and we played til she won an big teddy bear.

"Awww Gigi you won!" I exclaimed so the worker gave her her bear then I played and I won an iPhone 5s and my eyes widened.

"Omg... I just won omg I've won!" I exclaimed so the guy took us to the back and Gigi jumping up and down and my two girlfriends hugged me and I hugged them back wit they thick asz.

"Congratulations daddy!" Gigi exclaimed.

"Thanks, boo boo," I said smiling. So when the guy came back we was excited like a mudf*cker.

"Here's your iPhone sir," he said smiling congratulations," he said

"Thank you!" I exclaimed happily.

"So I turned to Gigi, "here you go Gigi, I said

"So her mouth dropped as I gave her her new box with the iPhone in it.

"You giving this to me daddy?" She asked surprised.

"Yea happy early birthday boo boo," I said.

"Thank you daddy," she said hugging me and my new girlfriends.

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