Two ⋆ Part 1

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King Thaddeus walked with power and authority, but each step graceful as if he weighed nothing. He didn't wear anything over his white undershirt, probably because the undershirt is the only thing that would fit his broad shoulders.

The carefully placed stones created a spiral of steps, leading into a dark abyss. I couldn't look away from the bottom of my cerulean dress. I was trying to be careful not to trip, or perhaps I was just trying to avoid looking at the King as it seemed a crime to even steal a glance of him.

We finally reach a room after many long and silent minutes. The King stops at the large open door. He motions his hand for me to walk in first. Hesitatingly, I entered.

My eyes are drawn to a fireplace burning orange, crackling to cover the silence of the empty room and the silence between us. Charcoal curtains cover the seemingly large windows, keeping any moonlight from livening up the room. I run my hand against the wall, finding that the stone is more rough than the callused skin of an old man. It leaves my skin cold, drawing dampness into my bones.

I jump when King Thaddeus slams the wooden doors shut behind us. Not bothered by my startle, he walks to a small table holding a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He immediately pours the strong flavored beverage into one of the empty glasses. He pushes the cup towards me, wanting me to take it.

I had never drank before, which isn't an uncommon thing for healers. Often times we are never allowed alcoholic beverages due to the rumor that it nulls our healing powers. I couldn't understand why the King was offering one to me now. Did he not know I was a healer?

The King stares at me, annoyance clear in his expression as his lips tugged into a sideways frown.

"No thank you. I don't drink," I muster out quickly.

He doesn't say anything as he decides to just down the glass he offered to me with one gulp.

He sets the glass on the table before speaking, "I have a proposition for you, Miss Kingsley."

I felt my own brows furrow closer together. Why would the King of Lodestar suggest a plan of action, a business offer, with me? I wasn't sure what to expect.

"I saw you heal those injured on the battlefield." He tilts his head to the side, awaiting my response.

"I am a healer after all. It is my job."

He hums at my response, a silence cricketing after. I lightly glance up to him. His back was all I could examine. His muscles stretched the white fabric as he reaches for the bottle once again. He pours more into the glass before shifting his body face forward. My eyes drop as soon as he moved, hoping he didn't catch me.

He nods his head, agreeing with my words as he picks up the second glass. "That is why, Miss Kingsley, I must ask you for help."

"What do you need?" I was slow to respond, slightly worried over what he needed my help with.

Why me? I have no idea. There was at least five other healers here at the ball. He could have gotten help from any of them. Surely they wouldn't have turned down an offer from the King.

King Thaddeus moved his focus to the glass in his hand. "I suppose you have heard the rumors of how I have killed every potential mate for myself?" He more so states as he slowly swirls the whiskey in the glass. He watches it as if he was mesmerized by its delicate movement.

Potential mates; wolves who could be your true mate given enough time to find out if your hearts are compatible or not after the intimate process of Kraujo dalmas. Blood sharing.

Kraujo dalmas is very sacred though, and is only used when there is a very strong connection between two wolves.

Due to needing a strong connection to start, most only ever have three potential mates in their life. And, using Kraujo dalmas, it can be found that the first two usually have hearts that do not equal the other's blood.

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