Four ⋆ Part 2

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I quickly chase after King Thaddeus as he slams doors and walls with his fists. He screams out Elora's name loudly, making the walls and floor shake just by his voice. He was angry, and there was no way to stop him.

His servants and guards in each of the halls that he fiercely walks through stand in fear as they watch King Thaddeus's outburst of rage. I had seen alphas' short tempers before, but King Thaddeus's temper was enough to make even grown men cower as he stopped and grabbed one of his men by the collar of his shirt.

King Thaddeus's hands were clamped so tight that his knuckles turned white as he spoke to the man, "Find Princess Elora. Now!" He yelled into the man's face before tossing him aside.

His guard quickly responds with, "Yes, your majesty." Before he scurries off with others following him.

King Thaddeus pauses, running his hands through his curls as I finally catch up with him. With his back to me, I lick my lips, trying to think of something to say that won't blow his already short fuse.

"King Thaddeus." I start off, reaching my hand to his shoulder in an attempt to help calm him. I only made things worse however, as he turns to face me.

"It's your majesty!" Now he screams in my face, enough to make me want to step back from him, but I don't as I glance to the side of us.

A young girl, no older than six, stood in complete terror as she watched her king. The girl reminded me much of myself at that age, young and wide eyed, learning from those around me and events I had witnessed.

I clear my throat, "Your majesty, I advise you to choose your next words and actions very carefully," I whisper to him.

King Thaddeus's breathing was fast and rapid, his chest rising and falling quickly. I could tell he wanted to scream and yell more, but when I moved my eyes to motion at the young girl, King Thaddeus's eyes followed suit.

As he saw the child trembling at the sight of him, something came over him. He quickly grabbed my wrist, turned on his heel, and pulled me away into a more private room where the adolescent's eyes were no longer upon him.

The room he pulled me into was an extravagant dining room. The long wooden table stretched across the entire length of the open room with many chairs lining it on each side. A tall red case in the corner of the room provided a pop of color along with the large displays of paintings. There were six large windows on one side, almost making it seem as if the whole wall was in fact, one huge window.

The open curtains allowed for moonlight to shine in, hitting the side of King Thaddeus's face just enough to show the sharp, and handsome, features he possessed as he paced back and forth.

Finally he stops pacing to slam his hands flat against the wooden table. His body was shaking, almost like it couldn't contain the fire of rage within him.

"How could she do this," King Thaddeus mumbles under his breath.

I find myself frowning at him, "She is a young woman. If she wanted a child you cannot blame her."

He quickly turns to face me, "You don't know what this means!" He screams at me.

I sigh, how does someone tame another who is losing parts of their soul? It seems to be an impossible task. I myself don't even know how to control my anger.

"Tell me what it means then." I near King Thaddeus.

He shakes his head at me, "Did you not pay attention to what I just told you! If that baby turns out to be a boy-" He stops himself, clenching his jaw tightly before he swiftly picks up one of the dining chairs and throws it at the wall. The chair crashes and crumbles into a pile of wood.

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