Eight ⋆ Part 1

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    The table was covered in decorative flowers, all of which I did not know the names of. It was quite enchanting to see natures pureness on display, its just too bad that these delicate flowers lives were cut short to please the eyes of men for a few short hours. Although, I enjoyed the greed as it pleased my own.

There were bold dark blue flowers, the most noticeable of them all with their never-ending layers. I wished to count each petal, but I fear it would take me a year. However, my favorite on the table were the dappled, flamboyant pink flowers. Those flower petals I could count. There were five petals on each, the same amount as those that sat at the table to see them.

Prince Demios who sat across from me, Prince Cónán at one head of the table, King Martell at the other head, and the outcasts, Thaddeus and I who sat next to one another at the side.

It was awfully quiet, a dreaded sound when surrounded by such important men. The clanking of silverware against plates echoed loudly as we each cut into the thick steak to enjoy the red meat. I wasn't too appetized by the rawness of the flesh, as blood seemed to drench my plate.

Healers often do not eat meat. We were born to protect life, not take it. Because of this, healers find the taste too bitter, even just a small sample would make my tongue burn in dissatisfaction. I tried my hardest not to turn my nose up to the food, so I grazed on the delicious berries laying before me.

King Martell's old watch was on me, piercing into the side of my head.

"Does the bear not please you, Miss Kingsley?" He asks.

"It smells quite delicious-"

"Does the blood make you wheezy?" He questions.

I look around, each man's focus was on me.

"I just do not like bear. I find the taste too gamely," I lie.

I hoped my lie was well enough to please Thaddeus. It seemed so as he took another well mannered bite of his food and chewed slowly.

"Interesting." King Martell raises his glass of red wine. Before taking a sip, he comments, "I would have assumed it is because you are a dark healer."

My head shoots up to King Martell. His sons followed suit, looking to the old man before setting attention upon me.

Meanwhile, Thaddeus slowly dabs the corner of his mouth with his cloth napkin before responding.

"My potential mate preferring not to eat the bear does not concern her abilities. She is simply right. It is an acquired taste."

I was a little taken aback that Thaddeus did in fact confirm to King Martell that I am a dark healer, something I thought he wanted to keep a secret from this kingdom. Although, I should trust Thaddeus and what he feels comfortable to say. I must trust his judgment. This is unknown territory to me, and all too familiar to him.

King Martell hums, sipping his wine. As he sets his glass back down, he looks to Thaddeus.

"I heard you finally won the three year war with the South." King Martell looks to his son, Cónán, who sits quietly. "Son, do you remember why the war started? I am getting old, it's hard to remember these things."

Cónán clears his throat and his eyes dart from an old friend, Thaddeus, before back to his father. I could tell the prince had a lot of pressure put upon him from his father, not only now but always. He was next in line after all. Not only did he need to learn from his father, but he also needed to learn from meetings, even the ones with uncomfortable conversation topics.

"Orrick's daughter died at Lodestar," Cónán reveals.

"Aw, yes, Princess Etta." King Martell glances to Thaddeus. "Your last potential mate. She was a light healer?"

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