14. The Extended Bathroom Break

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Ever since I was born I was a princess.

Not really a wearing a tiara and walking around the palace in a ball gown 'princess', but my parents very own princess that got everything she could have ever wanted.

I didn't have a tiara, nor a wardrobe full of ball gowns and certainly not an entire nation smiling at me, but a princess nevertheless, like many families who had their own versions.

In other words, I was a daddy's girl.

My dad got me anything I ever wanted and at that time I didn't care about the price of anything because according to me daddy could buy anything I wanted. It got to the point where he couldn't say no, but I knew very well he wanted too, but with a pout from me, he would move mountains to get it.

What saved my dad from filing for bankruptcy?


She was more a stern figure than my parents were in my life.

We got into so many arguments over the course of my blossoming life that I lost count after the first hundred.

Either it was about my curfew or my choice to dye my hair a fiery red, Nancy was the one that got in the way right when my dad broke.

I grew up to hate the words, "Let's see what Nancy thinks."

When I just got my license, I decided to take dad's BMW for a spin, so I asked Nancy to make lasagna for dinner to keep her busy and went to dad seconds later after informing her I was going to go study.

As soon as I asked dad, I saw his eyes skip to the door. I knew he was hoping Nancy would appear.

After no sign of our beloved housekeeper, he handed over the keys.

"Thanks dad," I said as I gave him a hug.

My happiness from my successful plan was short-lived because as soon as I got out of dad's office, Nancy was standing there, brows furrowed as she spotted the keys in my hand.

Let's just say dad was shocked to when I walked back into his study and gave him his keys.

I didn't bother to eat dinner that night and gave her the silent treatment for the next week.

That had been the last time we got into a fight, because three weeks later my parents got into the accident and Nancy became my sole guardian.

We hadn't had a disagreement in the last three years, except for the one time she told me to come home for my parents death anniversary last year and I opted to stay at campus.

At least that was the last disagreement until now.

It felt surreal when I woke up the next morning and came down to see she had already left for god knows where.

Our small disagreement yesterday concerning Douglas was already far behind me and I had to agree, I wasn't one to walk away when the going gets tough especially since that ass was the one who got me fired from my first choice of a summer job. Last night as my stomach complained from the lack of nutrition, I decided, what the heck, let's make the jackass regret getting me fired from Gloss Magazine in the first place.

Suffice it to say, I owed Nancy an apology from me, especially since I had gotten angry that she wouldn't call Mr Burns and tell him I was quitting. If I was quitting, which I was contemplating on not doing, I should be the one to call Mr Burns myself, come hell or high water. I owed him the courtesy after he tried his best to find me a summer job, which he did, not the best one but still a job that paid very, extremely well.

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