33. The Attention Seeking Boy and the Girl with Commitment Issues

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The surfing lesson was better than I'd expected it would be, but then again, my expectations weren't that high. In fact the only expectation I had going into it was that I would embarrass myself even more than I thought possible or that we wouldn't talk the entire time, which would of course end with Douglas surfing off to who knows where.

After a short and at first unsuccessful try at surfing, Douglas and I had resorted to a small water fight. It had started by accident because he'd said that I was heavy when he was trying to push me onto the board. Of course I denied this claim, signing off my weight change to the water weighing me down, but then he chuckled as if he didn't believe I word I was saying, so I'd splashed him.

Soon enough a water fight ensued, the surfing lesson soon forgotten. The water fight was quite even, where Douglas' splashes were bigger and stronger than mine, mine were faster and more compared to his.

"Give up?" I asked once I reached shore while he lost his footing and disappeared under the small wave that had washed over him. I chuckled as I sat on the sand when he soon reemerged, chuckling and very, very wet. The plain white shirt he had on over his board shorts was so wet it had become see through, his tanned body on full display as if he had nothing on.

Douglas shrugged in answer to my question before a somewhat devious smile appeared on his face like the devil's. I didn't like the look on his face but before I could say anything he disappeared under the waves again.

I calmed down instantly. Maybe he just needed to cool down a bit. 

I smiled at the thought that I'd won, whatever sad little victory I'd had over him now as I tried to remove the water that had gotten itself trapped in my ear from failing to swiftly stand up on my surfboard. One thing was clear from this half of my lesson. That getting on a surfboard on land was much, much more easier than getting on one in the water, where the elements did everything to keep you from succeeding.

"What are you doing?" I called out once I saw that Douglas had emerged from the waves, shaking his head violently to rid the water. The smirk from before was on his face now as he drudged towards me, his eyes lingered briefly to whatever was in his hands before he looked at me again. I stared at his hand, trying to guess what it could be.

A crab? Sea snake? A small, wriggly sea  creature?

He shrugged as he continued towards me, the evil smile on his face made me wary and stopped me from trying to remove the water from my ears.

"Douglas..." I held up my hands to block whatever it was he had, just as he reached me.

He grabbed both of them with his free hand, prying them away from my face as he snickered. "One thing you should know about me, Krystal," he began as he bent towards me, "I'm a sore loser," he added just as he reached for my head and rubbed something grainy against my hair.

"Wha-" I began as I reached for my hair and groaned as I felt what undeniably was wet, sticky sand. "Seriously?" I arched a brow at him, unimpressed. "And here I was thinking it was some ugly looking sea critter. What are you, in pre-school?"

He chuckled, shrugging, undeterred with my words. "I'm the pre-schooler that got sand in your hair..." he smirked. "I'm good with that."

"You're surprisingly childish," I commented as I successfully removed the water from my ears.

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