41. I Fell for the Idiot

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Dedicated to @ImaginesSkyline for her contribution within the chapter. Thanks again for being a life-saver




As soon as the door had closed behind Douglas, I knew instantly I should've said something. Something in reply to what he had said, something to at least acknowledge the fact that he worried for me. Anything really.

It took another second or two to work up enough courage to reach out and grab the door handle before I pulled it open and followed after Douglas.

Douglas was already walking down the hallway, his intimidating figure almost to the elevator that led down to the lobby.

"Wait," I called out before I could even began to second-guess myself or even hesitate. It seemed I was doing that a lot lately. Especially when it came to Douglas Burns, I did a lot of second-guessing.

Douglas stopped in his step, pausing, from where I stood I could see he was tensed and a little bit shocked. In his shoes, I would be too, granted I had never given him any notions of having any intentions of running after him.

After a full minute of him standing with his back still towards me, and me running through the countless reasons why I should've just stayed in my room, Douglas turned his head to meet my gaze. "Yes?" His voice was devoid of any emotion, almost as if the couple of minutes in my apartment hadn't just happened. As if he hadn't just told me that he was worried about me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but found myself hesitating. What was I to say?

I hesitated, and in that time, Douglas had turned around fully to face me. "Krys?"

"Uh..." My eyes found themselves staring at my bare feet. In my rush to follow after him, I hadn't put on any shoes. "Uh... thank you." I should've said more but I just couldn't bring myself to muster up any words.

Douglas gave me a small smile as if he knew what I wanted to say, although I myself was lost to it. Surprisingly his smile made it feel like what I said, or failed to say was alright.

"I'll see you later Krys," Douglas said before he turned around and left, leaving me standing there, watching him in my bare feet.


It was three days later that Nancy talked me into letting her go into work.

That, of course, included her sitting me down and saying that her work helped her de-stress in some sort of way the doctor and I wouldn't understand. She also somewhat bribed me by saying that she'd be bringing home some macaroons and croissants. Who can say no to macaroons?

I had called into the Burns residence after getting no answer from either Douglas, Will or even Georgia.

Quincy answered the phone with his usual formal tone that spoke volumes on which decade he'd been born in.

"Hey Quincy," I greeted in my usual mordern talk. "I tried to reach Douglas and everyone, they didn't answer."

"Mr Davis is meeting up with some acquaintances of his today at the club while Ms Frost didn't say where she was headed before leaving."

"And Douglas?" I felt my breath caught as I said his name.

I heard silence from the other end and could picture Quincy hesitating on the other end. Before I could push for an answer, he gave me one, "Mr Burns is currently quite tied-up in a personal matter and indisposed at the moment."

Burned (Hate at First Flight #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now