Chapter 7: Living It Up And Feeling Guilty

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When I got home that day, my father was in the kitchen baking. He was turned around, boiling water on the stove. I didn't want him to see my blotchy eyes so I hurried up to my room and shut the door. For a couple hours, I just cried on my flowery pillow, letting my tears fall like rain. I cried about losing Henri. I cried about losing Jay. I cried about my terrible memory loss and I even cried about my ugly, metal leg.

Finally, I got up when I heard my mother's car pull into the driveway, and went into the bathroom to splash some water on my eyes. 

I walked down the steps carefully, holding the railing. (I'd been pretty cautious ever since the track fall.) 

"Laylah! Oh, honey. I have to tell you something about the Henderson case." My father sat me down at the white dining room table as my mom walked in and held my arm. What was he about to tell me? "Sweetie, Dmitri Henderson was sentenced to life in prison for first degree murder and abuse. They found physical evidence that he abused Jay Henderson and his wife, Demi Henderson."

I was dumbfounded. I knew my father was depressed, considering this was his best friend but me? I was just so shocked. Jay had never mentioned any of this to me at all. He just sat there, kissing me and telling me it was going to be OK. I knew something was going on with his family but this? I never thought the rumors were actually true.

I thought of what I contributed to our relationship. Complaints. Stress. Nerves. A break up. Oh, god. A break up. What had I done? I just broke up with him. Right after he'd gone through this terrible thing with his father, I'd brought him into a janitors closet and told him it wasn't working out. Our relationship was probably the only freaking thing that was working out in his crazy life! What was Jay going to do? I made a mistake, big time. 

I was about to go over there and tell him I was sorry, when I thought about why I had broken up with him in the first place. I reminded my self that I was protecting him and with this depressing thought, I sat back down on the hard dining room chair, and sulked. 

"Laylah? Listen, I know this is hard on you and your father but someone has to help me around here. Please just stop daydreaming and go to the General Store. We need milk." I snapped out of my mini nervous breakdown and nodded. 

I walked down to the dollar store, thinking again. Sometimes I wished I could just shut my brain off, even for just a few seconds.

Eventually, I was at the door to the General store. I paused for a second, just staring at the rusted sign that read, 'General Mart'. This town definitely wasn't the best at coming up with creative names. 

I walked into the store and sauntered over to the milk aisle. That's when I saw someone. He was obviously new to the town.  I could tell by his deep country accent and cowboy hat. He was about five feet tall with really sexy brown hair that was brushed back. His skinny jeans and cowboy boots fit him perfectly and like every girl would, I swooned at how pristine he looked in the light. 

Then, I remembered how Dmitri had killed the old cashier at General Mart. Oh right. Just that guy who was murdered by my neighbor. I hated how Bloomfield wasn't even mourning. Girls were happy that this new sexy guy was in Mr. Brown's (I believe.) place. Old women were complaining that the new guy didn't care enough for the elders in the town and the parents were afraid the new guy was a bad influence on their kids.

Throughout all these ideas, there was no mourning. No wondering how Mr.Brown's family was doing. No people at the man's funeral. And of course, no one even caring. This was the exact same thing that had happened after my accident. No one cared enough to go find out what had really happened to me. All they cared about was knowing the details of my surgeries and memory loss so they could go blab to their friends about it later. Even the police didn't really try. I don't even think they thought to interview the Hendersons.

I shoved a milk jug in to the hot guys hands, trying to pretend to focus on my nails as he scanned it. Unfortunately, the hot guy could talk.

"Getting a bit feisty there, aren't we?" I looked up. He was smiling at me like he knew me, like he knew all my secrets. 

"Um...sorry. I didn't mean to be. I just have a lot on my mind." I shrugged and apologized. 

"No biggie. Name's Colton." Even his name was kind of sexy. Annoying. I bet he thought he could get any girl in the world. I noticed he was staring at me with that smug grin of his. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes I started picking at my nails again. 

"I'm Laylah." I replied, still picking at my cuticles. 

"Pretty, and by the way, I really like your leg. It's kind of cool." He grinned, while handing me my receipt.

"Thanks." He liked my mechanical leg? Was that the best pickup line he had? I guess he just relied on his looks to win him girls because obviously his wits weren't the best. I started to walk out when he ran back up to me and poked me on the shoulder.

"Hey! Forgot your bag!" I thanked him with a smile and tried to leave but again he stopped me. "Hey, you think you'd like to go to a party tonight?" He asked. 

No, my whole life is falling apart, I wanted to scream but I didn't. "Um...I don't think so. It's just, I have a lot on my plate right now, you know, to deal with. Maybe some other time." 

"Come on! It would be a great way to take some heat off. You could forget all about those things and have some zestful fun!" I laughed at his awful use in vocabulary. 

"Fine, but can I invite a friend?" I asked. 

"Sure, as long as she's cute." I frowned at his snotty comment.

"Just, where is the party?" I inquired.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll pick you up." He then walked off, back to attend to a customer. How'd he know where I lived? Whatever. I shook it off. I didn't need something else to worry about right now. So, with that, I walked off into the sunset, swinging the milk back and forth. I was just a tad excited. Maybe, finally I would have a fun drama free night but I knew that could never happen to Laylah Brianne Sanders. 

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