Chapter 12: You Know You Love Me

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"Laylah, get up!" He kicked me with such force, I thought my other leg was going to break. They still hadn't returned the other part to my mechanical leg but we had worked around that in our plan. Colton carried me on his right shoulder while everyone else was released from their ropes. There were guards holding them from all sides as he brought us outside. We were resting at the bottom of Deer Leap.

I watched as the ragtag group lined up outside the cave. The order was Monique, Jack, Barfing Bella, Me, Elliot, Clementine, Jay, and Christian "Saint" Vanessa. We had all worked out a plan together. I know you're probably wondering how intricate this plan really was. Well, to tell you the truth, the plan was to run. To run as fast as we could. Elliot was going to carry me and help Bella. Jay was going to help Vanessa. Jack was going to run with Clementine and Monique. 

"The reason we brought you all here is to show you something. To show you that you're not the victims in this situation. You all were raped by one of us." Colton gestured towards Henri and himself. Henri was guarding Jack on one side while Colton paced back and forth, staring at us. "Now, some of you," He glanced at me. "Were raped by another man. Someone who isn't here at this particular moment in time. Someone who is the victim in this situation, because even his own son, betrayed him." He shot Jay a look and grinned. 

I'd suspected Dmitri was the one who did it to me but I never thought I'd actually hear someone say it. It was deeply disturbing. It made you want to take a million showers to get all his gunk off of you. He was so...old. If he hadn't done that to me, I would still be a virgin. We were just lucky none of us had gotten pregnant. 

"Why did I do it?" I asked him, dying to know how I could've been that weak. Colton glared at me. 

"Because you were a weak little girl who fell for a pitiful threat." He walked up to me, crouched down and spit in my face. I was the only one sitting down. Standing on one leg was too painful. 

"What threat?" Clementine questioned. 

"Would you like me to tell the story, Laylah? Well, long story short. Dmitri told her, he would hurt her sister if she didn't do it and she fell for it." He laughed. "Oh Laylah," He mocked. "You know you love me." Colton chuckled. Suddenly, it all came back. The accident. Before that. Everything... 

I heard a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it mom!" I called upstairs. I carefully shuffled to the door. It was around 10:00 pm at night. I was too naive to realize it could be something dangerous. 

"Hello, Laylah." Dmitri Henderson spoke calmly. "Jay was wondering if you'd like to come over." He said, sweetly.

"Um...yeah, sure! Let me ask my mom...," He grasped my arm, tightly, like a blood pressure cuff, cutting off my circulation. 

"No need. I already called her." I looked around wearily. "Just...come on. He's waiting." I nodded, grabbing my bag just incase he needed help with homework. "Hop in." He told me. I did as told and sat in the Henderson's nice Rolls Royce. He started driving. 

"Are you taking a short cut?" I asked with my old joyful voice. I used to be a bouncy little seventh grade girl. Popular, pretty, kind, brave. 

"We're not going to my home, Laylah." I shivered at his tone.

"Where are we going?" He didn't answer. He pushed on the brake in the middle of the road. He started to crawl into the back. He kissed me once and I pushed away. "Mr. Henderson, what are you doing?" I asked, softly. I don't even think I'd gotten my period yet, let alone my first kiss. He was laying on top of me. 

"Oh, Laylah. Don't pin this on me. You know you've always loved me. It's your own fault this is happening." He whispered, while kissing me more but this time on my tiny neck. 

"Mr. Henderson! Stop!" I tried to push away. 

"You selfish girl!" He gripped my arm tightly again, pinning it down. "I have power. I can do anything. You don't agree to this, Doreen gets hurt." I gulped. Little Dori. Little innocent Dori. He wouldn't dare. I resisted the urge to slap him and laid back on the Rolls Royce seat, letting him take over me. 

I awoke from my little flashback to feel the wind whipping my hair back. Was I running? I glanced down. Elliot was running with Bella to the side. Was the plan already in action? After Elliot and Bella ran for quite some time, we found another cave, where we hid. Elliot filled me in. 

"You passed out, Laylah. We had to initiate the plan earlier than we thought, but as we did, Colton caught up to one of us." He whispered the last part, solemnly. 

"Who was it?" I asked, hating to know the answer. 


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