Chapter 1

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I was hanging out with my friends Marie and Elsie in history before first period started. I was goofing off per the usual, doing silly accents being overly-dramatic over the tiniest things. I mean what else would you expect from a theatre kid like me. I got confused for a second though when I saw my friends facial expressions turn into a mix of shock and awe. I know they only do that with one person and his name was Scott Coats.

"What do you want Scott?" I said with a blank expression

"Who says I want anything maybe I just want to talk to you beautiful ladies" he said with a wink.

If you can't tell already he's a bit of a player

"Oh please you only talk to us when you want something so let's just cut to the chase." I said it's not that I didn't think he was cute it's just that I've dealt with him for over 3 years now so I'm used to his ways.

"I'd like to speak to you in private for a moment. I have a proposition for you."

My friends gave me a wink and dances their eyebrows suggestively before leaving. "Ok what's your proposition" I said expecting him to ask for homework answers or something

"I've heard you're the best actress in this school. So I want to make you my girlfriend."

Well I definitely didn't expect that

I'm guessing he saw my shocked expression because of what he said next.

"I don't want you to be my actual girlfriend see there's this girl I've been wanting to impress but she won't go out with me so I was hoping you'd pretend to be my girlfriend to make her jealous" he said with hopeful eyes and a bit of a boyish look

Ok that makes more sense I mean what guy like him would want to be with me...

"Why on earth would I help you? What's in it for me?"

"Well one thing is that if you had a crush on anybody they would probably get jealous with you being my girlfriend."

You mean someone besides you? Well I mean there was that one theatre kid I've had my eyes on. He is pretty cute.

"Fine, I'll do it" I said annoyed I couldn't come up with a snarky comment "but you need to know what you'd be getting yourself into. See this isn't something we can take lightly it means every time we're around each other we have to act all lovey dovey. I don't care if she's not around everyone else has to believe we're in a relationship for her to believe it. That means if we see each other in the hallways we stop to talk for as long as possible. We see each other at lunch we eat together. Someone asks who we're texting we're texting each other. This is something you'll have to commit to. If you don't like any of these ideas then I'm sorry I guess you don't get your girl because that's what it's going to have to take." After moment of pondering her words Scott thought that it was worth it so he agreed.

"What's her name." Tracey asked


"Ugh the girl you're trying to make jealous what's her name you dumbass!"

"Oh! Her names Elizabeth."

I hate her already her name already say's that she's prettier than me!

"Ok then tomorrow you're pretending to ask me out in front of Elizabeth and I'm saying yes."

Maybe I'll have more fun with this than originally planned

A moment after Scott left my friends came squealing after me as I just laughed and shook my head

"So what was all of that about" Marie said with her eyebrows wiggling suggestively

"It was nothing in fact I'm going to be helping him get a girl"

"How are you going to do that!!" Elsie said shocked

"I'm going to pretend to be his girlfriend but you two can't speak a word about this being fake otherwise it'll ruin the whole plan!"

"Ok we won't" Marie said with her hand up in surrender "you know you might be able to snag him while you're pretending to date"

"Yea like that's going to happen" I said doubtfully "I'm surprised he even knew who I was there's no way he'd ever like me."

"I don't know just use the beauty you've been gifted with and you'll be fine"

"I won't argue with you on that cause you'll just confuse me into agreeing with you"

yea that'll be the day I barely even fit the average beauty scale let alone have natural beauty hopefully this will blow over soon so my friends will leave me alone about this. Maybe I'll even get that cute theatre kid what's his name again?
Oh yea Mark!
This will certainly be an interesting couple of weeks...

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