Chapter 17

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Some people (person not putting down his name but as a hint I just say DAMN DANIEL back at it again with the mean comments!) have been insulting the way that Tracey looks so just because of that not only did I put up ANOTHER picture of Tracey because and I quote "plz stop 😷"

I also want to point out that Tracey is based off of me and these are actual pictures taken of me so you've been insulting me this whole time but I have a personal message for you


Tracey's P.O.V.
So whenever I got to school the next day EVERYONE was shocked that me and Scott were back together and it took some convincing to get Marie and Elsie to not beat him up but it was done!!

Right now Elsie went to go get some food for all of us because we were all to lazy to get up from the schoolyard

My phone started to ring and I looked at the caller ID and it was Elsie's parents "That's weird" I said and I answered it now those words are just repeating over and over in my head "Elsie's at the hospital right now and is in critical condition we just thought you might want to know"

After that I just got up and ran to the car everyone raced to me asking what was going on and the only words I was able to manage was "" and that was enough

When we got to the hospital I immediately spotted her parents and ran to them asking what happened

"She was driving down the road and a deer jumped in front of the road before she could stop so she swerved and ran straight into a tree" her dad said with a really worried fave

"She might not make it..." Elsie's mom choked out

I can't best friend might die...

This wouldn't have even happened if we just got up and got food ourselves...she wouldn't be in this position

Scott was trying to comfort me but I wasn't paying attention the only thing I could focus on was Elsie

Then all the sudden the doctor came up "She's out of surgery and is awake but she isn't out of the woods yet she's still in very critical condition you are allowed to come in and talk to her" he said

I practically ran to her room when I found it I saw her hooked up to so many cords and it was just horrifying to see the bruises all over her face

"How do I look?" Elsie said

"Like shit but it's ok you're allowed" I said trying to joke with her

Then Elsie said "you better like the food I got you otherwise I might die for nothing" attempting to make a joke but then we just ended up crying

"You aren't allowed to talk like that!!" I said through the tears "Elsie you're going to be fine because I don't know what I'd do without you"

"Just in case I don't though I just want you to promise me one thing" she said with very serious look on her face

"What is it?" I said

"Scotcey will be forever" Elsie said completely serious

"I don't think there's anyway it can't" I said

Then the doctor came in telling me I had to leave so I carefully hugged Elsie telling her that I love her so much and that she can't die because she's my sister

After that Scott just took me home because I couldn't drive in this state and I just slept I couldn't do anything else then when I woke up the next morning my parents were in the door saying that it was about Elsie I don't think I'll ever forget these words...

"Elsie passed at 2 in the morning last night"

Hello my pretties...

So uh as you can see the uh plot twist one!  

And you know what they say when in doubt kill your best friend

*turns head around*


...Oops well I've been going by the wrong philosophy my whole life and now I need to go destroy some evidence (lol jk)

You can't blame this one on me literally no one voted for the story to end so THIS IS ON YOU!!!!

Just so you know I haven't finished the plot twist I couldn't put all of it in one chapter though so yea there's more!!!

Y'all hate me so much don't you?

Cause if you do and you want to kill me get in line a lot of people do I'm an asshole

Anywho I hope y'all liked that and at least cried cause dang this is sad I cried while writing it and I haven't even had a friend that's died before!!

Heartless humans

Ok I'm done now

Until next time my pretties!!!

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