Chapter 10

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Another picture of Tracey

Warning: extreme clichéness ahead (you've been warned)
It's been a week since I said yes to being Scotts actual girlfriend

And what a week it has been.

After I said yes to Scott he would not stop smiling. We attempted to keep playing truth or dare but after I dared him to stop smiling and he failed it just turned into a big make out session.

It only occurred to me the next day that I thought what about Elizabeth

It turns out that she is his best friend and he chickened out the first time he tried to ask me out and just said the first thing that came to his mind.


"I don't know it made sense at the moment!" Scott then said extremely confused

"Whatever" then I punched him in the stomach

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!" He said doubled over

"Tricking me into your crazy plan" I said in between laughter

"Shut up" he grumbled 

"Make me" I smirked

We then ended up making out in the hallway

I know I can't believe it too we're now THAT couple

So after that lovely conversation I stopped hating Elizabeth and I realized she isn't that bad.

We've been hanging out for a while and it's just been a perfect week.

"Hey are you ok?" Scott said

I smiled "yea I was just thinking"

"Oh about what?"


"I hope it's all good things" he said then kissed me

"Yea definitely"

"Good well I'm off to basketball practice I'll see you later"

"That's fine I was going to go shopping with Elizabeth anyways"

"Ok I'll talk to you later"


"So later?"

"Later." I said laughing we just could not bare to leave each other's arms

"Perhaps 'later' will be our always"

"Oh shut up" I said punching him lightly "that's to soon I'm still not over Augustus's death!"

"You saw that movie like a year ago"

"And I'm still mourning!!"

"Come on loser we're going shopping!" Elizabeth yelled

"I've got to go before apparently the new Regina George kills me bye" I said kissing him

"Bye" he said laughing

"Do you always have to quote Mean Girls?" I asked walking towards Elizabeth

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