Chapter 2

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I had just  gotten to the Cafeteria with my breakfast and sat down with my friends when I saw Scott wink at me.

"Not you again!" I groaned

"Yes, it's me again" Scott answered amused "I just came to let you know that Elizabeth should be here any second. I'm going to go back to my friends but expect me back in a couple minutes professing my fake love to you." He winked again and walked away. I then buried my head into my arms.

"Why me!!!" I groaned again

"Because he's desperate" Marie said
"Yea he couldn't get a girl if he tried so he had to ask a girl to do that for him!"
Elise said laughing while she plays with her long beautiful blonde hair.
I start laughing "ok that was a good one!" Then I was tapped on the shoulder Oh God not this again I turned around to see Scott rubbing a hand through his brown hair and him holding something behind his back all while he looks at me with those beautiful dark brown eyes of his.

Wait why is my heart racing I knew this was coming!!

"Tracey can I asked you something?"
"Of course" I said know what he's about to say I did after all write it down for him

"So I know we don't really know each other all that well, and this might be extremely sudden but I just can't help but want to get to know you better. I don't want to do that just by being friends, I want to know you from a more romantic point of view. So Tracey will you do me the huge honor and let me go out with you?" Then he pulled out from behind he back this huge bouquet of roses.

I know I wrote the speech but I didn't expect flowers!...not that I'm complaining what girl wouldn't want flowers?

"I thought you'd never ask!!!!" Jumping into his arms while he twirled me around. Then we walked off to our first period together hand in hand but we stopped a moment to talk all lovey dovey to each other in front of Elizabeth who looked sufficiently angry not that I minded in fact it brought joy to my heart. It also kept me from barfing while having to say extremely cheesy things.

When I got to first period I actually had a smile on my face for some reason,
Remember you don't like him you aren't even actually dating. You are just doing a favor for someone.

This boy will be the death of me...

Then all of the sudden someone I don't believe I've met before sat next to me. He must've seen the look on my face cause he then smirked "Hi I'm Nick. Scotts best friend and you're his gorgeous girlfriend" he winked
I forgot about Nick! He's the schools biggest player or as I call him a Fuckboy. Mostly because he's had sex with just about the whole cheerleading squad. Now he's sitting next to me while trying to flirt with me.

This is certainly going to be an interesting school day...

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Tell me what you think and if you want to see something next I have no idea where I'm going with this so I can be extremely flexible with the story at this point.

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