Chapter 22

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Picture of Mark there

Mark's P.O.V.
Last week Elizabeth saw me moping around because Scott and Tracey got back together.

I was SO disappointed and I have no idea why they're even together they have nothing in common me and Tracey do WE'RE MEANT TO BE!! If we are the new Romeo and Juliet then we will go together in love!

When I explained why I was sad to Elizabeth she understood perfectly only she wants to be with Scott so she came up with an amazing idea so me and Tracey can be together!!!

It was easy you see Elizabeth would be "wandering" around the cafeteria and "accidentally" over hear Scott and Tracey's group of friends and what their plan is and then text it to me. Then I would scare a deer into the road as that girl Elsie was it? Was coming up onto the road so she would either have to hit is or swerve on the road. You must be wandering how I know Elsie would swerve on the road. Well I happen to know that Elsie cared about animals way to much to actually hit one. After she was mortally injured we just had to wait until the day of her funeral then if Tracey ever came out of the room I would drug her and take her to this warehouse and keep her there until she was ready to accept that we are soul mates.

This plan is amazing!!!

I just explained all of this to Tracey and she got mad for like no reason but then again she is a girl so I'll just be patient with her and give her a little bit of space for a little bit even let her have free range of the place

Yea I'm a great boyfriend and it's only been a couple of days with us being together! Maybe next week after she's calmed down I can show her my wall of pictures of her!!!

Hello my pretties!!!

So what do you think of Mark insane right?

I love it

Anyways so I'm thinking of creating a group chat on kik for all of my readers so I can get to know all of you better and I can ask all of y'alls opinions on things with the book what do ya think?

Let's be honest I also need friends

Please let me know and

Until next time my pretties!!!

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