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I sat on my window seat and leaned my head on the cold window. The moon had just come up a while ago, and outside it was freezing.

But I couldn't sleep.

Downstairs, I could hear my dad coming inside from work.

As I looked back out the window, I felt my eyes widening.

Standing on his front lawn, Blue was shirtless. Not only that, but he was wearing low cut sweat pants.

Without thinking, I hurried downstairs to go and talk to him.

I opened the front door, and I could see the moonlight reflecting off of Blue's milky skin... Only something was off.

"Blue?" I asked. He turned around and I froze.

It wasn't Blue.

Orlando's half closed eyes were fluttering, and his lips were quivering. The scariest thing about him though, was his fangs.

"O-Orlando," I stammered and took a step back. "What are you doing out here?"

Orlando didn't say anything. He just reached out for me and took a step closer.

"Run," he breathed shakily. "B-b-bloodbag... Run!"

I didn't listen to him. Instead, I wrapped my hand around his. He tensed and his eyes shot open before he wrapped his spare hand around my waist and pulled me closer.

I thought he was hugging me... Until I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

"Orlando!" I gasped and tried to get away, but his hold on me was too strong. I couldn't move a single inch

I could feel the blood being drained from me and I started to feel dizzy. I couldn't tell the difference between the sky and the ground let alone what year it was.

I squeezed my eyes shut and my head fell onto Orlando's shoulder limply. Just when I thought I was going to die, Orlando stopped.

In his absence, I fell to the ground unable to move any of my limbs. I managed to get my eyes open, but everything was so blurry that I almost couldn't recognize anything.

But I did see a set of glowing, golden eyes.


There was something wet on my neck, and something warm on my waist. But I felt too weak to open my eyes and see what it was.

Finally, I managed to pry them open and looked down.

The wolf was resting it's head on my waist.

I felt the panic rising and all I wanted to do was scream. But every time I opened mouth, nothing came out.

But then I remembered that he was the one that stopped Orlando. Not only that, but he took me to Annabeth. And he saved me from the Sirens.

I moved my hand, slowly and painfully, onto its head. It opened it's eyes and looked at me, and I mean really looked at me. As though he was a human.

The wolf got to his paws and shook his fur off. He dug his snout into my back, willing me to get up.

Slowly, I stood up.

I pressed a hand to my neck and it came back wet. But not with blood as I had expected, it had something like spit on it.

I looked down at the wolf and it licked its nose.

"Okay, gross," I told him dryly. I looked around and frowned. I wasn't on my front lawn anymore, I was in the forest. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto."

The Monsters In Our TownOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora