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Sherlock was barking at me to move, to do something.

But move where? And do what?

I was a ghost, and I couldn't touch anything. Everything around me was becoming too loud, like the birds chirping in the trees sounded more like jackhammers and the rain hitting the earth was like glass smashing.

The wind was whipping at me, and it took me a moment to realise that was happening to my body and not me.

Somewhere there was a car screeching to a halt, and then some shouting. I couldn't hear it though, it sounded like they were on low volume.

My body stepped closer to the edge and spread it's arms out like a bird, or at least Jesus when he was crucified.

The strangest thing about this whole ordeal was that I didn't really think about the idea of dying. I was trying to work out what would happen to the Anchor.

Which was insane.

Then I was falling.

I watched as my body leaned forward and plummeted to the earth.


I didn't care. Nothing was going to happen to me if I was dead, and I'd already discovered that there was somewhere that I could go after I was dead and-

Someone else shot off the side of the town hall.

They reached for my body and as their fingers brushed me, I shot back into my body.

For a few seconds, as I watched the ground coming closer, I was shocked.

But then an arm wrapped around my waist, and the reality of everything creeped back into my mind and I started to scream.

As the ground got too close, I squeezed my eyes shut.

I didn't collide with the ground though. It was like I was still falling, the wind was still pushing against me and my stomach was as insane as my heart beat.

I opened an eye, and I was still near the ground... But I was going across instead of down.

In the shadow below me, it looked like I had grown wings.

Quickly, I tried to look over my shoulder.

"If you keep squirming, Alexander, I'm going to drop you."

I froze, and I swear my heart stopped.

It was Blue.

Blue was here.

And I was here too.

He landed, is that what you call it? When a flying man is on the ground again?

He landed, and for a moment we stayed like this. Me with my back to him, and him with his arms around me.

"I don't know whether I should kiss you or kill you" he whispered.

Whatever trance I was in broke, and I pushed away from Blue. When I turned to look at him, and he looked like an angel.

He had wings coming out of his back. Huge wings with black feathers that twitched whenever he breathed.

"Blue," I whispered.

"Don't be scared," he ordered me. "They'll go away soon."

"What are they?" I asked. Which was stupid because I knew what they were. The question I should have asked is where did they come from?

"I'm not just a Witch, Alexander" he frowned. I had so many questions, too many to ask and I was sure he didn't have answers for most of them. 

The Monsters In Our TownOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant