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"Are you going to tell our parents?" I demanded as Jones bounced a basketball in our living room.

"Tell them about what?" Jones asked.

"About what?!" I cried and he smirked at me.

"It was a joke Alex," he chuckled. "I'll tell them eventually."

"Eventually?" I repeated.

"I didn't even get her a ring," he shrugged.

"Why did you propose to Magdalen?" I asked. "As far as I knew, you were into Lincoln and you weren't even thinking about a Werewolf."

"I've known Lincoln since she was born," he said. "I mean, I thought I loved her. I truly thought that I did. But the first time I saw Magdalen... I don't know. I can't explain it Alex."

"So you're going to marry her?" I rose an eyebrow.

"I'm not just going to marry her," he sighed. "I'm going to tell mum and dad tonight."

"Tonight isn't just about you," I whined. I wanted to talk about how it was all of our party, but I stopped myself because Harley wouldn't be there tonight, and he wasn't going to be there because of me.

"I don't care," Jones scoffed and threw the ball towards me. I didn't bother even trying to grab it, because I didn't have time for sports. "I think we'll have to throw two weddings though."

"Two?" I rolled my eyes. "You're so dramatic."

"Werewolves do weird shit at their weddings, and I don't think the humans will be able to tolerate it."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Marigold told me that I get bitten at some point," he scrunched his nose up.

"That's... Strange," I mumbled. "You know, you could just pretend that you've had a private wedding, then throw a huge Werewolf wedding later."

"Because I want two weddings," Jones scoffed.

"You're such an attention seeker," I shook my head at him.

"If you think that I care, then you are dead wrong," Jones chuckled and started towards the stairs. I sighed and leaned back on the couch. Tonight was the night of our huge birthday bash, and their was still no sign of Harley.


By the time that I made it to the town hall, the party had only just started. Most of the people here were the kids that went to Northrun's school. They loved these parties, probably more than any of our family did, because towards the end of the night the bartender got lazy and stopped checking IDs.

As I went to walk through the door, Jones shoved me and I stumbled forward. When I regained my feet, I turned to glare at him and as I did I could see another group of people arriving behind him. I stepped out of the way to let them past and they said happy birthday to Jones and I as they did.

"What are they?" Jones asked me in a whisper. I shrugged, but I knew they were something. I'd never seen them before and anyone I hadn't seen meant that they were Supernatural. "Okay, let's play a game. We each guess what they are, and then get Blue to tell us. Every time that I'm right, you have to go up to them and make a weird animal noise and then walk away."

"Okay, you're on," I smirked. "But if I get it right, you have to go up to a guy and ask for their number."

"But... I'm engaged," he tried.

"I'm sure Magdalen will understand," I grinned.

"Fine," Jones shrugged and held his hand out for me to shake. I took it in mine and he chuckled.

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