Chapter 3

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" are my bride."






I think I heard something wrong...


"I-I'm still dreaming...", I just said from my shock and started to cover myself with the blanket. "This dream will be gone if I'm going to sleep again...", I said too and lay down.

Gakupo's face: (e_o+)




"G-Goodnight~~~", all I said and closed my eyes.

Gakupo's face: (e_o+++)

And I started snoring.

Gakupo's face: (=____=+++)

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", the purple-haired man suddenly shouted in anger.



"I-I'm not dreaming???!!!!!!", I said in shock and sat down again.

Then, he grabbed my face and pulled me.

"Are you really that dumb???!!!!!" I'm talking with you so listen!!!!!", he exclaimed.

"How am I supposed to listen with you if you're just a dream!!!!!!", I exclaimed too.

I saw him got pissed.

"You are not dreaming, baka!!!!!!!!!!!", he said and hit my head.


"Ow! Ow!", I kept on saying and rubbed my head.

"Quit on being a brat and listen to me."

"No! No! No!!!! You're just a dream!!!!!!", I insisted.

"I told you!!! You are not dreaming!!!!!!!"

"I'm dreaming!!!! I'm dreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"You're not!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




"Then, I'll prove to you that you're not.", he seriously said.

Then, he got his katana and pulled it out from its sheath.


And I sat properly and smiled cheerfully.

"O-Of course! Of course! I'm not dreaming~~~ I'm really awake and enthusiastic.", I immediately said with sweat falling.

"You sure? Maybe you're still dreaming, right?", he said but you could really see that he's still irritated and stuck his katana on the floor beside me.

"Ahahahahah~~~ No... Of course not, Sir.", I just smiled a bit and gulped.

"Now, listen. You have a big role to do and that is to marry me.", he said and sat in front of me.

"B-but how am I suppose to marry you if I'm a man???!!! And what's really happening???!!!! Why it's like this???!!!"

"Your father is the right hand of my old man (*means his father) and it was decided that the first child of your father will marry the oyabun's son."

"B-But I'm a guy... You know... I'm really a guy..."

"In the world of yakuza, gender doesn't matter. Either you're a woman or man as long as you can comply with your duty then, there's nothing wrong with that."

"Then... what will be my duty????", I nervously asked.




He suddenly slipped his right hand in my yukata and pushed the sleeve down.


"Sleep with me."

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