Chapter 13

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"I don't want to marry you.", I strongly said.

He gasped.


I really saw him so shocked.

"YOU'RE A USER!!!!!!!!! YOU JUST WANT TO USE ME TO HAVE THE FAMILY ALL TO YOURSELF!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE SELFISH!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO MARRY YOU!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I exclaimed again and again.

I was all alone since then...

I never had anyone by my side...




So I promised to myself that if I'm going to marry... it should be someone that I love and who loves me unconditionally because I don't want to be alone again...

That's why...

"I DON'T WANT TO MARRY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!", I exclaimed to the last time but... Gakupo suddenly kissed me.



He held my head and kissed me deeply... intertwining his tongue with mine...

"Hnn!!!", I just said from the forced kiss he's doing and kept on pushing him away but I couldn't.


Then, he leaned me to the wall but kept on his deep kiss.


I still kept on pushing him away but he's just so strong.


Little by little, I really felt an uneasiness of breathing because of how he kissed me... but I could really see how irritated he was...



Then, I pushed him so hard.

"What are you doing???!!! I told you I don't want to marry you!!!", I angrily said but... he kissed me again.


But this time, he's the one who stopped.

"I had told you that I won't let you!", he firmly said.


I was shocked.


What the hell.

"Why?!", I started saying. "Is it because you won't be the head if you will not marry me?!", I sarcastically continued.

He didn't say anything.

"Why you can't say anything? Can't answer me, right? But sorry to say to you that I'm not interested in marrying you or be the chosen bride of this family!", all I said and on the act of walking away but...

"I can choose someone else to be the chosen bride...", he started talking and grabbed me.


But as soon as I faced him to push him again, he seriously said these things and looked into my eyes.

"...but I had decided to have you and be the oyabun of this family!"



"I will have you, Kaito and rule this family by any means."


W-what's this man talking about?...

"I told you I don't want to marr –", I'm still not finished with my sentence when he kissed me again.


"And I don't want to hear any rubbish things coming out from your mouth or I won't hold myself back, Kaito."


Then, he pulled me closer and whispered words that shocked me so much, "And do remember this that I am being easy on you, Kaito. I had always been so easy on you from the start so don't pull my limits so much or I WILL PUT YOU IN YOUR CAGE AND DEVOUR YOU DAY AND NIGHT, WITH OR WITHOUT OUR WEDDING."

I-I couldn't say a thing.

"And aside from the Oyabun's words, my words are also law in this kind of world you're in. If I said that you're born to marry me... that would be the only reason of your existence, Kaito...", he added and held my neck.


I gasped deeply.

I suddenly felt my whole body was tingled and felt numb on my position.




"...H-how tyranny...", all I thought.

"So don't even try on leaving me, Kaito! Don't even try!"

But as he forcibly pulled me with him to get inside my room... the door suddenly opened.

"What's the commotion all about?", a voice said.

We suddenly stopped and looked behind.


I was shocked to see...

"What's happening here?", the man in his 50's said.

But the thing that shocked me so much was... he looked like Gakupo...

"Tell me what this is about?", he calmly asked and went inside.

"F-Father...", Gakupo just said in shock.


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