Chapter 2

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Hello everybody~! Vickironica here! I really hope you like this story. On my other account it was actually my most popular one. But who knows. *still has nothing to say* Well, hope you enjoy~!


As soon as you walk into his house, it's impossible not to look at your reflection. Canada liked the mirror there though. It reminded him that he was still visible to himself as least.

But he wasn't expecting his reflection to be looking away from him, doing something else.

"Who are you?" It was a question Canada got asked a lot, but he had never asked it to someone.

The reflection stopped whatever he was doing and turned around to see Canada. "What the . . . Who the heck are you and what's wrong with my mirror?!"

Canada was so used to being asked that question he replied, "I'm Canada." before he realized it.

"No you're not! Don't lie!" Canada's reflection yelled at him.

"I'm sorr-" Canada tried to apologize even though he didn't do anything wrong, but was interrupted.

The other Canada kept yelling at him. "Speak up! Stop being so quiet! Such an idiot!"

Canada didn't know what was happening, but he didn't like it. He ran to his closet with a tear running down his cheek. He grabbed an extra blanket and threw it over the mirror as quickly as he could.

"What the heck are you doing?!" Canada's reflection asked in a loud voice. Canada ignored his question and went to bed right after pancakes. Since Kumajiro was full now, he climbed into bed with Canada.

. . . . .

Canada's reflection was so confused. One minute he was busy looking through some old things of his. The next, the other side of his mirror was covered by a blanket after he yelled at a talking reflection of him. His reflection looked a lot nicer than he was. But what surprised him the most wasn't the different looks, but the tear that ran down his counter-part's face after he'd yelled at him. Was he really that weak and sensitive? After the mirror had been covered, Canada's reflection decided to forget that ever happened and never tell anybody about it.

. . . . .

Canada woke up the next morning and only thought about pancakes. He loved pancakes more than anything and would eat them every day nonstop.

He walked into the kitchen and started making them. Kumajiro followed him in there. They ate their pancakes in peace and covered in maple syrup.

Canada never really had anything important to do. He had decided today was going to be a good day to wander around a nearby town and look at shops. Hockey didn't start till 7:00 after all. So he started to walk out of the door when he saw the mirror. That guy had really scared him, popping out of nowhere and yelling at him. But Canada decided to uncover the mirror, since he didn't like being mean.

When he uncovered it, he noticed that the room was empty. The reflection was gone. Oh well, Canada didn't really want to see him right now anyways. Being Canadian and all, he couldn't just leave it covered. That would be rude. So he left the mirror uncovered and walked out the door with Kumajiro close by.

They went out to eat and bought a few things. In a new shop that just opened, Canada found a cute, little lucky charm. It was shaped like a maple syrup bottle and had the name "Matt" written on it. And it even smelled like maple syrup. Canada decided that Matt could be short for Matthew, which was his human name.

A while later they went back home. "Kumajiro, when will you remember I'm Canada?"

"Who?" Kumajiro had asked that question at least 50 times today.

"Never mind. . ." Canada sighed in defeat.

They walked in through the front door. The reflection was there, but he was on his bed and reading a book. He noticed they were there, but ignored them. Canada decided to ignore him as well. It was better for the both of them. Canada didn't want to disturb him, plus he had hockey to watch.

Canada made popcorn, then sat down on his big, comfy couch. Kumajiro was already there, waiting for it to start. The show started in the next 5 minutes. And Canada lost his quiet Canadian voice and replaced it with yelling.

"Yeah! Keep going! Oh, there's an opening! Hit it there! What?! Too many players on the ice?! That's totally against the rules! Hey, that's a foul! Did you see that?! He checked the referee! You better hope your address isn't listed, pal!" Canada kept shouting stuff like that all through the game.

. . . . .

Meanwhile, Canada's reflection was reading a book on his bed. He heard a door opening and saw his reflection coming in through a door with a white bear. But he decided to ignore them. A little while later, he stopped his book to see who was yelling. It couldn't be his quiet, little reflection, could it? Either way, it was his reflection who was yelling. But what he found the most interesting is that hockey was on. He loved hockey. He watched the whole game, and was pissed at a few idiots, while he was cheering on others. Though he kept quiet the whole game so the mirror wouldn't be covered again and he could continue watching.

. . . . .

The next morning, Canada was back to being his quiet, old self. He went in the living room to clean up the mess he made yesterday.

"That was a great game yesterday, huh." a voice behind Canada said.

Canada turned around in surprise. "Yes, it sure was. But how did you know about it?"

"I watched it through the mirror." his reflection replied.

"Oh . . ." Canada wasn't sure how to respond.

His reflection asked, "Why don't you always talk that loud? I can barely hear you."

"This is as loud as I can talk. I only yell like that on hockey night." Canada whispered.

"Oh . . ." Canada's reflection didn't know how to respond this time.

"So what's your name?" Canada quietly asked.

"I'm Matt. Also known as Canada."

"I'm Matthew. Also known as Canada, too."

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