Chapter 10

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Hey guys! Vickironica here! I still have absolutely no idea why in the world you people actually LIKE this story, so I'm not exactly sure what  to write. I've been out of ideas for this story forEVER. Should I finish it off quickly? Or should I ... probably finish it off.

Okay but how. How does it have 1.1K reads? I can't even reread it (after like 3 years) without cringing. I'm probably gonna edit everything later. Or at least think about doing it and then not doing it because I procrastinate everything. Nobody reads this why am I still talking.

So, uh, hope you enjoy, comment, like, view, idk do whatever, till next time guys!



"So, uh, what now...?" Allen asked, completely unsure of what to do.

"I say we beat him up and them keep him as a prisoner!" Alfred exclaims, almost too excitedly.

"Al no." Iggy replies quickly.

"Actually, for vonce, America had a good idea." Germany cracks his knuckles. Luciano quickly realized he may or may not be in danger.

Oliver was quick to act, still a little, just a little, mad at Luciano for burning down his gosh dang house how dare he. "Oh Luci~! Why don't you come out and play~"

Luciano noticed straight away the blood lust in Oliver's eyes, and decided that was the perfect time to get the hecky heck out of there. "Sorry to bother you I'll be leaving now good day," he stated in a panic. 

Out of everyone who would probably try to kill him, he didn't think the one to catch him first would be Russia. He first felt him when a tight grip on his shoulder kept him from moving any farther. Next was the unmistakable smell of vodka and... flowers? "Maybe you should stay for a bit, da?"

As Luci felt the grip on his shoulder tighten, his fear levels rose as well. "No, no, I'm good."

And then the world went all black as he felt his body hit the ground, unable to do anything about it.


The first thing he noticed was his POUNDING headache. The next was the quiet talking all around him, and the third was how he couldn't move. 

Opening his eyes for the first time, he has to squint because of the bright light all of a sudden. He stays quiet, not knowing if they know he's awake. Glancing down, he sees the reason why he can't move. He's tied to a chair...

And soon enough, the voices became more clear as Luciano regained consciousness. "I say we set the chair on fire when we wakes up so he can see the flames slowly rising to consume his soul, like how it consumed my house." Luci internally sighed. Ollie was still bitter about that... (A/N: of coURSE HE'S STILL UPSET I'D BE UPSET TOO WHAT THE HECK LUCI)

"Dude, calm down. I'm a hero, not a bully." Luciano couldn't see, but it sounded like an American accent. But it was... different?

Ollie sighed. "Awww, I was hoping to see his hopes and dreams burn before his eyes." Thank you different America. Luci internally freaked out, realizing that he was at the mercy of anything they wanted to do to him, even if it was the wrath of Oliver. 

"Whatever you want to do, leave me out of it. I have no interest in your sadistic ways." Another British accent spoke, though it wasn't Ollie. Footsteps were then heard, as with a door. When it clicked shut, the voices continued.

"Dudes, don't you think Gilen and Gil should have an opinion on this, because of the incident?" The nice American spoke.

"I agree with America, da?" ... Russia? Russia agrees with America? Now Luciano was confused AND terrified.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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