Chapter 5

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Hey everyone! Vickironica here! I forgot to mention in the last chapter that I like to change from country name to human name often. It just feels comfortable to me. So that's all. Hope you enjoy~!


After Matt had fainted and had fallen through the mirror, Matthew placed him on the couch. Matthew checked his forehead. Just as he suspected, Matt had a fever. Though it's not bad enough to make someone faint. Maybe it was because of Prussia.

Matthew didn't have much time to think. Matt was waking up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. . . Wait, where am I?!" Matt had noticed that he and Matthew were on the same side of the mirror.

"When you fainted, you fell through the mirror. Wait, don't get up!" Even if it was small, Matt still had a fever.

Matt didn't listen too well. "I'm fine, really. I just want to check something."

He walked over to the mirror, and stuck his hand out. But instead of a solid surface, Matt's hand went right through it, as if it were a liquid. "Don't worry. I'm just gonna grab something real quick."

Matthew walked over to the mirror, afraid to touch it. Matt was walking out of his bedroom door. Them he heard Matt say something. "Hey Ollie! Have you seen my hockey stick?"

A cheerful voice that sounded British responded. "Ah yes! It was underneath the couch, last I saw. And are you okay?"

"I have a slight fever. Thanks anyways." Matthew was surprised he could hear all of this.

"I'll just heal you up real quick!" The cheerful, British voice mumbled something.

"Umm, thanks. I need to do something in my room . . . like polish my hockey stick." And Matt returned looking healthy and with a hockey stick.

"So who was that?" Matthew was curious.

"Just . . . Oliver . . ." Matt didn't think that Matthew had heard.

"Oh." Matthew was going to say something else when the doorbell rang. "Ah, hang on. Just try not to be seen."

Matthew ran to the door and opened it to see a lot of countries there. England, America, China, Russia, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Japan, and Belarus were all standing at the door.

Germany spoke first. "Ve are here to rescue my bruder."

Canada remembered inviting everyone over to rescue Prussia. "Oh, um, please come in."

5 minutes later, everybody was sitting in the living room. There weren't enough seats, so some people had to sit on the floor. But there was plenty of room.

Matthew checked the mirror and was relieved to see Matt there. Matt gave the "thumbs-up" signal.

"Alright everyone! Please listen!" Matthew said as loud as he could. And for the first time ever, everyone stopped talking and started to listen. Even America.

"Like I said before, Prussia has been kidnapped by another world. This world is a reflection of our world, but the people there are a little different."

"What do you mean, different?" China asked.

"I . . . don't really know. But not in a good way, that's for sure. I'd like you all to meet my friend." Matthew motioned for them all to look at the mirror.

And at that, Matt stepped through the mirror. Everybody stared in surprise.

Matt walked over to Matthew and started to speak. "Alright. If you want to see your friend alive, we need to hurry. I'm Canada, but seeing as there are 2 of me, call me Matt."

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